Thursday, May 26

Girl Stuff :)

Could this week get any longer?! Sheesh! I feel like it's never going to end.  Good news is, when it does, I'll be looking at a 3-day weekend to enjoy with the hubby! yay!

We're planning on working more in the nursery - mainly the closet.  Poor boy, he did not understand why I wanted to put in another layer of shelves and maybe some baskets in there. Oh man will he have a lot to learn, especially with girl things! We've had some very sweet friends, family, and mostly my mom already buy Harper some adorable things and I want to get them hung up in the closet and out of the middle of the room! Plus, we are going to go pick up her furniture soon and want to have an open space to put it together!  We're also hoping to finish registering this weekend. I know it seems early, but my friend Amanda needed to know where all we were going to register, so we thought we'd better get on looking at things! I'm such a planner, I didn't mind!  I think I've got the nursery colors picked out and I can't wait to show the room...later this summer!!

Anyways, I know close to nothing about buying girl things.  I have 4 nephews and all my college girlfriends have boys!!  Allison has Nola, but I still don't know that much about where she gets all her cute stuff!  So, the other day when I was in Hobby Lobby, I found these adorable baby hats and headbands! They had tons of flowers and bows to trade around with! I only bought the ones shown, but I can see myself going and buying more! With the 40% off coupon, each item was around $2 or less! I found a few great Etsy sites that sell those ridiculously HUGE bows that I will be purchasing, as well as some cute tutus!  I also found a cute, but random, site that sells baby leg warmers for onesies! EEE! I'll share that site once I get my stuff in I ordered to make sure it was a good random and not a bad random. HA!

Anyways, please leave me sites or Etsy sites you love!! :)

1 comment:

  1. LOOVE the bows!!:) can't wait to shop baby girl clothes with you!:)


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