So I'm not a huge "I have to celebrate for a week" type of Birthday girl. But I mean really, who doesn't love a day to celebrate yourself!? For this particular birthday, it kind of came all of a sudden. With the craziness of the wedding/honeymoon/moving in/etc. my birthday just appeared!
I spent my Birthday with my family on Sunday. I've done that before, but this year, Brian asked if we could just celebrate on my actual day. I guess it's one of those things when your life and routine changes once you get married. I've only experienced a few of those things, and know this year will hold many more, but it's hard to get used to, you know?
So I started the day off with Brian making me coffee and coming into the bathroom to chat while I was in the shower. To most of you that sounds totally weird, but I swear, I love it when people come in the bathroom to talk to me while I'm in the shower. I know my college friends remember me always wanting to talk while in those dirty 3-stall showers, and I wonder if my mom remembers sitting in the bathroom talking to me when I was little. Anyways, it was a big deal for Brian to get up early and talk as weird as that is!
Birthdays when you are a teacher are always 'put out there' a little more than you want as well. Kids love birthdays. They are so fun for them. Most of mine are having milestone birthdays (10) so I try and make it a big deal, which in turn they want to do the same. Well this year, I have 2 very thoughtful girls. They've brought in cakes for long-term subs leaving, small cakes for their friend's birthdays, etc. Well they brought me in a huge chocolate cake. Knowing me, I don't like cake. Especially chocolate cake. So I tried to get the work girls to eat on one would budge.

Well, I brought it home and completely devoured it. I mean really??? Could I not have had this revelation BEFORE my wedding so I could have enjoyed my own cake?!??! Sheesh!
So, my first 'new knowledge' of 27 - I like cake after all.

Our Wedding Cake

Groom's Cake
Like most people, birthdays mean getting older and remembering less of the 'good ole college days'. But this one is a bit different. Yes, I'm getting a lot closer to the big 3-0 than the fun 2-1, but my life is changing in a good way, God has blessed me in so many ways, and I'm thankful for receiving another year.
Lastly, I ended my birthday at Rincon (it was raining so BOO on Murray's Patio) with some of my very best friends. Thanks for making my night great. Thanks for wonderful conversations to remind me that we are all growing up. Here's to baby names, finishing Grad school, and owning homes. Cheer's to 27!

Below is a picture of what my HUSBAND got me. Yup, he's awesome! No real hints, he picked out this amazing watch from Fossil that is not even out yet (it is available tomorrow, but he pre-ordered it) and is the one Sandra Bullock wore in the Blind Side. Thank you Honey!!!!! :)
The Stella from Fossil