Wednesday, January 11

Positive Penny ova' here

Ok, I'm about to make myself turn my nose up and roll my own eyes....

But ladies {and my secret gent. readers}, I've got to share the pretty positives that have happened to me lately and Praise God for them!

I don't usually blog during the week anymore {i schedule the posts to show up from weekend writing}, but this trumps it.

#1: Harper hasn't slept through the night since I began work. Blah. BUT, when she wakes up 3-4 times a night, we know because she's cooing, giggling, or grunting.  We look into the monitor and it's like she knows we can see her. She smiles huge.  Do you KNOW how much nicer that is to wake up to in the middle of the night than screams? It's awesome.  She breaks my heart in a good way when I drag my big 'ol booty in her room in the middle of the night and she kicks her legs and gives me that gummy grin. So, while she's reverted back to her 2-week old self, at least it's sans crying.
{PS- any tips?!?!}

#2: The end of the work week got better. I was determined to start this week off positively and with about an eighth of the tears. With a little hiccup with my sub note on Monday morning, my awesome team-teach was there to rear me back in to thinking positively. We had a great day, I had some great heart-to-heart conversations with said kids from the note, and all was well with my classroom world.

#3: I've obviously been anxious about going back to work. So much so that I got a rash all over my face. But it wasn't all because of leaving Harper. We'll leave it at that. Well, this week I heard some news that made me feel like a huge weight was lifted off of me, and that night I made the decision that I would most definitely end this school year teaching {yes, I wasn't sure if I would} and most likely continue working. Of course, I still miss Harper. Terribly. But I do enjoy being with the kids. I forgot what it was like to be in a positive and supportive environment. Once in one, I've realized there are many things I love about my career.

#4: I've been able to work really well on my Mommy Guilt this weekend and week. ;)

#5: I've been able to cook dinner lots. That makes me happy, my hubby very happy, and our wallet happy.

#6: Hubs and I went to the Christian bookstore looking for a new-parent devotional to do together. We didn't find what we were wanting, but each found our own study. Mine has already done some great things for me and my relationship as has his. Don't you love when you can find a study that is relatively quick in time but exactly what you need in the moment?

#7: God knew I couldn't continue nursing because I needed my cokes every morning to survive. Can I get an Amen?!

#8: Everytime I've picked H up from the sitter, she smiles HUGE at me. Big ol' gums everywhere and squinty little eyes. Makes me so happy.
So, I know I must be earning "The Most Boring Blog Ever" Award over here, I'll leave you with a pic of my cutie and try-to-promise my readers I'll have a recipe or craft up soon. {but ya'll know that's probably a lie.}


  1. Oo this was an adorable post! Its the small things that make a difference :)

  2. Loving your post, it's so not boring! Sorry Harper is not sleeping, I have no advice, as every baby is different. At least she is happy. I tried not to go in at night if G was happy, only when she cried and usually she would go back to sleep on her own. So glad you found peace with going back to work. Just think, you get summers off and long holiday breaks. That's a total plus! What bible study are you doing? I'm always looking for recommendations =)

  3. sorry H isn't sleeping since you went back to work. My only advice/suggestion is maybe see if she'll put herself back to sleep rather than going in there? I know with O, if she wakes at night (rare) she has been known to make a few noises and "talk" herself back to sleep. Unless H is crying I would see if she will drift back into dreamland. Thanks for your kind words on my post today. It's been rough but we are back in swaddle world tonight. We all need some sleep!! She sleeps so great with it so that's why last night was incredibly hard on us. I hope being back to work continues to go well for you. :)


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