Sunday, June 3

8 Months {of Harper Lovin'}

HOLY MOLY! Has this month been awesome!!!

On May 29, 2012 Harper turned 8 Months old!!!!
{we were on vacay, so this post is a few days late}

My sweet baby girl is seriously growing too fast! But it has been so fun! I think each month I say it's been my favorite month, but it is just so neat to watch my sweet baby develop, grow, and explore!

Pics are SUPER hard to get these days! She's on the move!!!  Poor Dottie!

Weight: not sure - we don't go to doc. till 9 months, but we are thinking around 18 lbs

Diapers: size 2 Pampers, size 3 Nighttime Pampers at night

Food: Harper LOVES to eat!!! Is she her parent's child or what?! She will eat anything we give her, but she especially loves: peas, corn, sweet potatoes, macaroni & cheese puree, and pear/banana/apple blend.  She also loves Gerber Puffs. We do yellow foods M/W/F/S and green foods T/TH/Saturday.

Sleep: Harper currently naps 3 times a day, but we are hoping to transition to 2. She goes to sleep around 8:00 and I usually get her up around 6:30...but now that I am not working, we are hoping she will sleep until 7 or later like she does on the weekends.

Bottle: She still loves her bottle. She drinks around 26-28 oz. a day.  She is still on Alimentum. We've tried other kinds, but they just don't settle with her.  She also LOVES water. She loves drinking out of a soft sippy cup or a straw sippy cup.

Clothes: mostly 6-9 months, wears hats without a problem, beginning to pull on bows!!

New Things:
*she learned to crawl this month and does it fast!
*she learned to pull up on pretty much everything whether it's a hard surface or not!
*loves to climb over and on anything
*exploring is her favorite! she is sooo inquisitive!
*squeals SUPER loud when she gets excited or happy
*babbles a TON and loves to "talk"
*says Ma-Ma and Da-Da very clear...but usually without meaning!
*kisses by leaning her forehead to your lips
*had her baby dedication
*went swimming for the first time
*GOT HER FIRST TOOTH {on her 8th month birthday!!!!!!} and then got her second a day later!
*took her first vacation!! to Charleston, SC and HHI, SC
*loves to eat Puffs - fav flavors are sweet potato and strawberry
*walks if holding 1 hand
*sits up in the stroller - no more carseat in there!
*drinks water out of a regular drinking glass
*getting cause and effect - loves re-pushing buttons to hear a certain sound
*copies things we do! - kisses on her LuLu bug rocker

Harper's Current Schedule:
{already changed for this month!}

*Wake up and bottle - 6:30/7:00
*Nap - 8:30-9:30
*fruit and cereal - 9:30
*bottle - 10:30/11
*Nap - 11/11:30-12:30/1
*bottle and vegetable: 2:30
*fruit or vegetable (or meat puree) and cereal - 6:00
*bath - 7:30
*bottle and bed - 7:45/8:00


  1. Oh my heck, she is seriously precious!! It is crazy how time flies and they grow SO fast!

  2. She had a busy month! I really like your idea of different color foods for different days, I had never thought of that before. The pictures are great, but they sure are hard to work through as they get older!

  3. I wish I could get these two girls together! It's so fun to get babies together to play. She is a cutie! Emily started pulling off her bows and hats too!!


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