Wednesday, August 25

Money is so Taboo

It is. It's so not appropriate to talk about.
If you talk about it too much you're annoying because you either whine about not having enough or brag about having lots.

Well money is one of those big topics they have you spend a lot of time on during pre-marital counseling. B and I did great on that. We really did. Scored like the best overall on the financial part.

Anyways, today I did something awkward. I went shopping (not the awkward part) at Target. I needed to get some cards and I found a $5 off coupon in my Redbook magazine (this is SO not your mother's magazine. it's like a cosmo for married ladies. it's sooo interesting; and Mom, no, we cannot talk about the contents of this magazine together. too weird~but thanks for giving it to me each month). So, I decided to check out some of the clothes there. YESSSS they had their fall stuff out and I love good conservative school clothes for the Fall.

So, I picked out 4 items that I felt I needed to continue my style of a J.Crew-esque look without the $100+ price tag. I love doing that. I love finding clothes I love from somewhere expensive and then putting it together from cheaper stores like Target, TJ Maxx, and Marshall's. I'm a good Marshall's shopper.

Ok, back to the point.
I started feeling bad about dropping some money on myself. I haven't shopped for myself that much this summer because I've been too consumed with buying things to decorate our home with. So I called B.
YES, I really did.
I called him and asked him if I could buy some school clothes.
He said no....
HA, just kidding. He did what any self-respecting good husband would do and said, "Sure honey."
That was that.
Why did I feel like I needed to ask him if it was ok? I used to buy clothes about once a week when I was single. Why did I feel the need to check with my husband? That's not the kind of marriage we have. I don't ask permission to do things.
But today I did.
I was on the other line with my sister and I asked her about it. She said to NEVER call him again and ask that; that it was silly and unnecessary.

I guess it's just one of those many things that I'm adjusting to. :)
He knows and I know I'm not an over-shopper who spends, spends, spends on myself.
So why did I make it awkward? Who knows!

1 comment:

  1. Megan, I think it is totally fine that you asked Brian. I'm not even married yet and Greg and I run stuff by one another. I think it keeps us accountable.


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