Monday, May 30

22 Weeks Down!

22 Weeks Down!  
Pregnancy Highlights:

Size: Baby is the size of a spaghetti squash! Google that! It's big! :) She's also a pound this week! Forget ounces now! She should be around 8 inches long.  I seem to be carrying really low, and when I am wearing dresses I tend to feel like I need to 'lift' up my belly!

What's Baby Doing?: She's developing and uses her senses like touching (grabbing the umbilical cord), hearing, tasting what I eat, and she's able to see (or hide from the flashlight we stick above the belly!).  She's also hearing my heartbeat and our voices.  Better start censoring now!!

Movement: Baby girl was very active all day Friday at work, a lot of the day Saturday and night, and Sunday.  Brian and I can feel her a lot and I love it! The books say she's going to be developing a sleeping pattern soon and I should be able to tell when she'll be awake and sleeping. As of now, I think she's a pretty busy little bee!

Sickness: I've been doing pretty well.  This past week I got sick a few times before work, but I am hoping it was a fluke.  I've had some swelling in my hands but I'm not sure if that has to do with the heat as well.  I still have the shooting pains in my hips which cause me not to sleep - but I'm not complaining! I realize some things just come with it! :)  I may have to invest in the adult boppy pillow.  When I say invest, I mean it - they are like $70!!! We'll have to see about that!

Weight Gain: I'm up +8 lbs from my start weight.  I can't really decide if that's a good thing or bad thing. I don't feel as though I'm gaining at a rapid pace, but there seems to be a difference in what the books say I should gain by now.  I'm really trying to choose healthy snacks, but it's hard when baby girl is craving desserts!  I did wear a maternity suit yesterday to the pool and it was ok! I was honestly a little nervous about it!

Cravings/Aversions: Still haven't been able to prepare meat. :( I am really going to try after work is out this week so I can fix better meals for Brian and I! I'm loving sweets {which is so weird for me, I usually hate cake} and have to really hold myself back on over-indulging! I think being pregnant during bathing suit season will help that! ha!

Looking forward to: Painting! We got in our samples of the bedding and will be painting soon!! I'm also looking forward to getting out of work for the summer to be able to relax more and start on my FOREVER long To-Do list. :) 

1 comment:

  1. I loved my snoogle! I actually found it at burlington coat factory for $45! you can also get different covers for them. It helped a lot with the stretching pains and sleeping at night. Jimmy even fashioned me one out of sheets and a comforter when we were on our babymoon!!!! I am sure the housekeeping staff were curious as to what it was every night!


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