Tuesday, August 9

God is So Good!

I'm finally able to reveal a HUGE blessing in our lives!!

Brian started his new job this past Monday! I say it's a huge blessing, because it's a really, really good promotion and it will provide us better financially in a way that can only help our growing family of 2 to 3.

About this time last year, Brian was offered an interview-to-hire position....in Knoxville. We went back and forth weighing the pros and cons, but in the end, we just knew it was not the right time for us to move states nor did we feel like we wanted to be away from friends and family.  So after that, Brian was quote/un-quote looked over for other promotions with his job.  Not that they were really upset, but because there just wasn't anything opening up in our town.

Fast forward to December {or more like Jan.} when we found out we were pregnant, we both thought immediately how this was definitely the right choice to stay.  We had been faithful to God, and knew He'd be faithful to us with the thought of a new addition on the way.

In July, Brian applied online for a promotional job in his area at a different place in our town.  We thought it would be a long shot since there was no number or person to make a follow-up call, but it wasn't! After 3 interviews within 2 weeks and driving out of town for one interview, we found out BRIAN GOT THE JOB! He was ecstatic.  In shock, really. Because he was so excited and because we just felt like this was such a blessing and such a God thing.  He will be doing the job he had been doing...but he won't be the assistant anymore ~ it's all on him!

To say he was emotional about leaving his small group of friends at his office would be an understatement.  He had worked with them for 7 years.  They've all been through a lot together professionally and personally.  I have truly loved getting to know his former boss and his co-workers.  They have been beyond wonderful to us; giving us showers for our wedding and baby, and just being good people.  I just pray Brian finds co-workers at his new place that he can form these kinds of friendships with. 

So, we are excited for his new venture and give all the blessing back to Him.
{now, let's hope the stock market doesn't blunder again anytime soon! haha}


  1. Megan - I am so glad things have worked out for Brian & you, especially anticipating Harper's arrival! We have continued to experience God's goodness through our moves & change. God is SO GOOD! Good luck starting school! Love Susan Barlow

  2. Just so happy for both of you! This is proving to be a wonderful year and God is SO good! :) I just know he will continue to bless your days! Believe me, it even gets better from here!!!!

    PS: Thank you for your sweet card. :) xoxo


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