Monday, October 24

bad blogger?

I do love my blog. :) But I just can't seem to find the time to give it lovin' right now!

Life with a sweet newborn has completely overwhelmed me in a way I never thought! With Harper's colic and tummy issues, I seem to spend my days {and nights} walking and rocking Harper.  It absolutely brings tears to my eyes to see her cry out and there be nothing I can do.  And while I realize there are much worse things than a baby with colic, this right now is just so hard on us.  I worry she's not happy; even though all the papers from the doctors say it's not the reason for colic.  I worry that there is something else, and I think I'm driving our pediatrician insane asking him to check for more things with her belly at our weekly appointments.

Anyways, here's just a few pictures to share, and once again, I hope to get back to blogging soon.  I feel like I'm missing out on writing important moments with our sweet baby that I don't want to forget {and yes, new Mommy brain is WORSE than preggo brain!}.

Harper Alan is such a kissable, sweet baby. We just love her so much!


  1. that first picture is just so precious! what a cutie!

  2. love these sweet pics:) and I am sure your followers more than understand how busy you are right now :) praying Harper feels better soon!

  3. She's precious! Hope she starts feeling better soon!

  4. Megan, do you have a swing? My niece had colic and we would Swaddle her, put a paci in her mouth and put her in the swing (yes, swaddled). Turn it on as high as it will go and have extra batteries on hand at all times. Both of my kids slept in their swings for the first 4 months of their life!!! Might give you some relief. Praying she feels better soon!!

  5. I know how you feel! Blogging was very challenging that first month or two. And I felt like I spent most of my days pacing the house trying to get Jade to sleep!

    I hope sweet Harper's colic settles down!

  6. Harper is so precious! I hope her colic calms down soon for you. Trying to soothe a not happy baby is just not fun. Good luck!


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