Here's a few pictures to show what we've been up to recently...
Tuesday, January 31
Sunday, January 29
{4 Months}
I've been a Mom for 4 months. Seriously? And in those 4 months, my life has gone through the most dramatic and life-changing changes. Ever. And all those cliches? They are ALL true.
This past month has probably been the most exciting one so far with the most changes as well. Harper has become so incredibly aware and intrigued by things. It's as if I didn't realize she was 'real' and would be able to explore. But she does. It completely blows my mind watching her bat, touch, pull, tug, and focus on things. I honestly feel like she understands the cause/effect of some of her toys. Amaze.
Jan. 29, 2011
Weight: 13 lbs (28%) - up from 10lbs 10oz at 2 months
Length: 24 1/2 in. (50%) - up from 22 1/2in at 2 months
Diapers: size 1 Pampers, nighttime diapers size 1 Pampers
Clothes: 3-6 months mostly, can still fit into a few 0-3 month clothes
Eating: 4 oz every 3 hours of Alimentum, except at night and in the middle of the night she gets 5 oz. We tried to do every 4 hours but it really messed up her sleep in a bad way!
Sleep: Since I returned to work, Harper has stopped sleeping through the night. We tried to keep her daytime routine the same, but she just hasn't! We usually put her to bed around 9:00-9:30 and she will sleep until about 3:00am, and then I wake her and feed her at 6:30am and get her dressed and ready. We tried not feeding her during that nighttime wake up, but then she would end up waking 3-4 times through the night. She is still in her Rock and Play sleeper in her room. I just can't seem to move her to her crib yet!
New Tricks: H ROLLED OVER! I was so proud! She's been rolling front to back since Jan. 24th! :) She has also showed us her sweet giggle. Oh my. What a beautiful sound to hear! H also loves to talk. She coos, gurgles, and giggles all the time. It warms my heart when I hear her. She also loves to put her feet in her mouth and suck on them! She gets this cute proud look on her face when she gets that toe in there! As I mentioned before, she's very aware of things now. She bats, tugs, pulls, etc. on lots of her toys. Her favorite game is to pull her socks off and then let you grab them and she will try to get the socks and pull. The girl is strong! She also still loves to stand and kind of jump. We've tried her on the Jumperoo with pillows, but she still doesn't quite get it. She does love her 4 month present we got her - the exersacuer. She loves that thing! When H is about to laugh, she raises one eyebrow and then smiles so big and has begun sticking her tongue out when she smiles! ha!
Social Butterfly: Harper still doesn't nap for very long. She's such a GIRL! She hates to feel like she's missing out on something! She loves to just be right in the middle of it all! Her overall personality has really began to show a lot this month. She is such a happy and go-with-the-flow baby. We are so blessed. She runs around with me, we take her out to eat a lot, go to friend's houses, etc. She does great! I must mention too, she really loves her sitter. She does really well there and we are happy with her as well. That helps a lot, but its still hard. But the sitter just loves and holds her all day. It's nice to know.
*Must-Have App: the white noise app. It works like a CHARM!
*Harper has been drooling a ton. Like to the point that she wears a bib now! We think she's about to start teething! Yikes!
*Harper also had her first cold this month! She was such a trooper through the week-long bug!
We went through a lot of changes this past month. The biggest one was that I returned to work full time and Harper began a sitter full time. Wow, that was hard. Not only on Harper and I, but on Brian too. He had to realize when he was leaving for work I wasn't taking care of her, someone else was. Our entire routine changed with the mornings, the drop off, getting bottles and things ready the night before, etc. I've had to learn {and am still learning} how to be a good teacher, a good Mommy, a good wife, and a good friend all at the same time. I say good, because I tried to be great at all of these things and realized it wasn't happening and my Mommy Guilt set in. I'm in a place now that I just try and get through hours and minutes. On most days I enjoy being back in the classroom and teaching, and being around adults. But then as soon as the feeling creeps up that I'm enjoying myself, I immediately feel that I'm sad about leaving Harper and not being there. I dunno. I feel like this is normal? But, I don't wish away the weekdays anymore to the weekend. If I do that Harper will just be another week old and I would have wasted that week. So, I'm working on being positive and enjoying all the jobs I am blessed enough to hold.
{PS- with Picnik closing, what free editing site do you all use?!}
{PPS- thanks for reading my very long-winded post! ha}
This past month has probably been the most exciting one so far with the most changes as well. Harper has become so incredibly aware and intrigued by things. It's as if I didn't realize she was 'real' and would be able to explore. But she does. It completely blows my mind watching her bat, touch, pull, tug, and focus on things. I honestly feel like she understands the cause/effect of some of her toys. Amaze.
Jan. 29, 2011
Weight: 13 lbs (28%) - up from 10lbs 10oz at 2 months
Length: 24 1/2 in. (50%) - up from 22 1/2in at 2 months
Diapers: size 1 Pampers, nighttime diapers size 1 Pampers
Clothes: 3-6 months mostly, can still fit into a few 0-3 month clothes
Eating: 4 oz every 3 hours of Alimentum, except at night and in the middle of the night she gets 5 oz. We tried to do every 4 hours but it really messed up her sleep in a bad way!
Sleep: Since I returned to work, Harper has stopped sleeping through the night. We tried to keep her daytime routine the same, but she just hasn't! We usually put her to bed around 9:00-9:30 and she will sleep until about 3:00am, and then I wake her and feed her at 6:30am and get her dressed and ready. We tried not feeding her during that nighttime wake up, but then she would end up waking 3-4 times through the night. She is still in her Rock and Play sleeper in her room. I just can't seem to move her to her crib yet!
New Tricks: H ROLLED OVER! I was so proud! She's been rolling front to back since Jan. 24th! :) She has also showed us her sweet giggle. Oh my. What a beautiful sound to hear! H also loves to talk. She coos, gurgles, and giggles all the time. It warms my heart when I hear her. She also loves to put her feet in her mouth and suck on them! She gets this cute proud look on her face when she gets that toe in there! As I mentioned before, she's very aware of things now. She bats, tugs, pulls, etc. on lots of her toys. Her favorite game is to pull her socks off and then let you grab them and she will try to get the socks and pull. The girl is strong! She also still loves to stand and kind of jump. We've tried her on the Jumperoo with pillows, but she still doesn't quite get it. She does love her 4 month present we got her - the exersacuer. She loves that thing! When H is about to laugh, she raises one eyebrow and then smiles so big and has begun sticking her tongue out when she smiles! ha!
Social Butterfly: Harper still doesn't nap for very long. She's such a GIRL! She hates to feel like she's missing out on something! She loves to just be right in the middle of it all! Her overall personality has really began to show a lot this month. She is such a happy and go-with-the-flow baby. We are so blessed. She runs around with me, we take her out to eat a lot, go to friend's houses, etc. She does great! I must mention too, she really loves her sitter. She does really well there and we are happy with her as well. That helps a lot, but its still hard. But the sitter just loves and holds her all day. It's nice to know.
*Must-Have App: the white noise app. It works like a CHARM!
*Harper has been drooling a ton. Like to the point that she wears a bib now! We think she's about to start teething! Yikes!
*Harper also had her first cold this month! She was such a trooper through the week-long bug!
We went through a lot of changes this past month. The biggest one was that I returned to work full time and Harper began a sitter full time. Wow, that was hard. Not only on Harper and I, but on Brian too. He had to realize when he was leaving for work I wasn't taking care of her, someone else was. Our entire routine changed with the mornings, the drop off, getting bottles and things ready the night before, etc. I've had to learn {and am still learning} how to be a good teacher, a good Mommy, a good wife, and a good friend all at the same time. I say good, because I tried to be great at all of these things and realized it wasn't happening and my Mommy Guilt set in. I'm in a place now that I just try and get through hours and minutes. On most days I enjoy being back in the classroom and teaching, and being around adults. But then as soon as the feeling creeps up that I'm enjoying myself, I immediately feel that I'm sad about leaving Harper and not being there. I dunno. I feel like this is normal? But, I don't wish away the weekdays anymore to the weekend. If I do that Harper will just be another week old and I would have wasted that week. So, I'm working on being positive and enjoying all the jobs I am blessed enough to hold.
{PS- with Picnik closing, what free editing site do you all use?!}
{PPS- thanks for reading my very long-winded post! ha}
monthly updates
Saturday, January 28
Mexican Shells {a recipe}
Woo Hoo gang! I'm back into my cooking groove! If you've been reading for a while, you know I love trying out new recipes and cooking! Well, I've made it a goal to cook at least 2 good meals a week and still fix dinner a 3rd or 4th time. Anyways, I looked around in my pantry and made this super tasty meal! I'm already planning it to fix next week! There may be a recipe like this somewhere, but to me, I think I made it up! HAHA
What you need:
Pasta Shells (Barilla Jumbo Shells)
hamburger meat (Laura's Lean Beef - 1 lb)
chili-o packet
nacho cheese soup
banana peppers
shredded cheddar cheese
Franks Red Hot sauce
How to make:
Prepare shells, place to the side.
Brown hamburger meat and drain. Then add chili-o packet over simmer once the meat is back in the skillet. Next, add 1/4 of the can of nacho cheese soup. Mix well.
Add as many jalapenos and banana peppers as you want, as well as about 1/4 cup of shredded cheese. I added enough to make it look colorful! :)
On the baking pan, line with 1/2 of nacho cheese soup and Franks Red Hot (along with Pam, first).
Next, shake some red hot sauce over the meat mixture.
Using a small spoon, scoop the meat mixture into each shell separately. Place with opening of shell up or on side. Place each shell closely together without on top of one another.
Pour the rest of the nacho cheese soup over the shells. Add the shredded cheese and more hot sauce to your liking and banana peppers/jalapenos.
Cover with foil and bake on 350 degrees for about 15 minutes.
YUM YUM YUM! If you try it, let me know! :)
Steps as they look: {that always helps me!}
What you need:
Pasta Shells (Barilla Jumbo Shells)
hamburger meat (Laura's Lean Beef - 1 lb)
chili-o packet
nacho cheese soup
banana peppers
shredded cheddar cheese
Franks Red Hot sauce
How to make:
Prepare shells, place to the side.
Brown hamburger meat and drain. Then add chili-o packet over simmer once the meat is back in the skillet. Next, add 1/4 of the can of nacho cheese soup. Mix well.
Add as many jalapenos and banana peppers as you want, as well as about 1/4 cup of shredded cheese. I added enough to make it look colorful! :)
On the baking pan, line with 1/2 of nacho cheese soup and Franks Red Hot (along with Pam, first).
Next, shake some red hot sauce over the meat mixture.
Using a small spoon, scoop the meat mixture into each shell separately. Place with opening of shell up or on side. Place each shell closely together without on top of one another.
Pour the rest of the nacho cheese soup over the shells. Add the shredded cheese and more hot sauce to your liking and banana peppers/jalapenos.
Cover with foil and bake on 350 degrees for about 15 minutes.
YUM YUM YUM! If you try it, let me know! :)
Steps as they look: {that always helps me!}
Yummy Meals
Wednesday, January 25
Life Group Game Night!
The other weekend we had our Life Group friends over for pizza and game night! We seriously missed Amanda and Philip! :(
We had a super fun time playing a new game called Wits and Wagers. It was kind of like a poker game betting over dumb stuff you'd never know the real answers to! :)
Thanks friends for coming to our home and hanging out with us, and of course loving on Harper! :)
We had a super fun time playing a new game called Wits and Wagers. It was kind of like a poker game betting over dumb stuff you'd never know the real answers to! :)
Thanks friends for coming to our home and hanging out with us, and of course loving on Harper! :)
the girls :) |
Nick & Alison |
the Nick's |
Harper just chillin' through the game |
me & Jordie {she was my 'big sis' in our sorority} |
Life Group
Monday, January 23
My Memories WINNER!
Thanks so much to my sweet friends who played in my first "real" Give-Away - My Memories
I used and the winner was.... #1!!
Chelsea LJan 16, 2012 01:12 PM
: ) I follow your blog and this sounds awesome!!
Yay!! Email me @ and I will get you the code to get your free download!!
And guess what?! You all kind of win something! My Memories is offering my blog readers this deal:
As a special for all of your readers, we give you your very own Share the Memories code that provides a $10 discount off the purchase of the My Memories Suite Scrapbook software and a $10 coupon for the store - $20 value!)
Please go to this link for your Share the Memories code:
Awesome!! :)
Thanks again everyone who played!
I used and the winner was.... #1!!
Chelsea LJan 16, 2012 01:12 PM
: ) I follow your blog and this sounds awesome!!
Yay!! Email me @ and I will get you the code to get your free download!!
And guess what?! You all kind of win something! My Memories is offering my blog readers this deal:
As a special for all of your readers, we give you your very own Share the Memories code that provides a $10 discount off the purchase of the My Memories Suite Scrapbook software and a $10 coupon for the store - $20 value!)
Please go to this link for your Share the Memories code:
Awesome!! :)
Thanks again everyone who played!
What to Take...FROM the hospital
I've got lots of preggos reading my blog, so I thought it would be completely necessary to remind you all of what to steal happen to stick in your extra bag you bring from your hospital stay...
Yes, that's right. Your bill will be through the roof, so you might as well get your money's worth! :)
1. Make sure to bring a larger bag or an extra bag for when you go to deliver your precious one
2. Stick the nasal aspirator that's in your baby's "bed" in your bag and ask for another one. Then take that one before you leave, too. Those are way better than the ones you can buy.
3. Open the drawers under the little bed they wheel your baby around and take it all!!! Hopefully you'll have 2 hospital swaddling blankets, a box of diapers, and a box of wipes. Stick the diapers in your bag and tell the nurses you ran out... and then take the new ones before you leave!
4. Each time the nurse comes in, ask for another big 'ol green paci. Chances are your little one will LOVE this paci and this paci alone, and you can get a few for the times when you can't find one!
5. Take the 'pee pads' home. I have no idea the correct wording for these, but they look like the puppy pads you use to train your dog with. You have to lay on them in the hospital. Take as many as you can, because you can use them in your bed to not get your sheets dirty and you can fold them in 4ths and cut them to take as changing pads when you go out and have to use those dirty Koala Changing stations {you don't want to get your nice pad dirty from the diaper bag}.
6. Booty pillow - if you ask, they will let you take it home. If you don't, just take it anyways! Also, ask for the pillow case for it, it makes it look a little less awkward when you're sitting on the waffle pillow while company is over!
7. Ice Packs - I had one super long, large-and-in-charge ice pack to put, um, well you know where, take it. They do not sell those anywhere! Ask for extra and stick them in your bag! :)
8. Ask for creams to use for diaper rashes and take those too!
9. This is a little TMI, but ask for extra numbing spray and creams you use after giving birth. You will need those so much in the days/weeks to come and it's just easier to have a stash without trying to send your hubby out to find those things!
**10** Eek! I forgot one of the most important things! Thanks friends!!! MESH PANTIES! I told the hubs I forgot this and he laughed saying I'd still be wearing those if I could get them to fit under my pants. Sad, but true. They are remarkable. Ask for many -a - pair.
{Harper's Bag had NOTHING in it to start....}
That's all I can think of right now! Hope this helps!
Yes, that's right. Your bill will be through the roof, so you might as well get your money's worth! :)
1. Make sure to bring a larger bag or an extra bag for when you go to deliver your precious one
2. Stick the nasal aspirator that's in your baby's "bed" in your bag and ask for another one. Then take that one before you leave, too. Those are way better than the ones you can buy.
3. Open the drawers under the little bed they wheel your baby around and take it all!!! Hopefully you'll have 2 hospital swaddling blankets, a box of diapers, and a box of wipes. Stick the diapers in your bag and tell the nurses you ran out... and then take the new ones before you leave!
4. Each time the nurse comes in, ask for another big 'ol green paci. Chances are your little one will LOVE this paci and this paci alone, and you can get a few for the times when you can't find one!
5. Take the 'pee pads' home. I have no idea the correct wording for these, but they look like the puppy pads you use to train your dog with. You have to lay on them in the hospital. Take as many as you can, because you can use them in your bed to not get your sheets dirty and you can fold them in 4ths and cut them to take as changing pads when you go out and have to use those dirty Koala Changing stations {you don't want to get your nice pad dirty from the diaper bag}.
6. Booty pillow - if you ask, they will let you take it home. If you don't, just take it anyways! Also, ask for the pillow case for it, it makes it look a little less awkward when you're sitting on the waffle pillow while company is over!
7. Ice Packs - I had one super long, large-and-in-charge ice pack to put, um, well you know where, take it. They do not sell those anywhere! Ask for extra and stick them in your bag! :)
8. Ask for creams to use for diaper rashes and take those too!
9. This is a little TMI, but ask for extra numbing spray and creams you use after giving birth. You will need those so much in the days/weeks to come and it's just easier to have a stash without trying to send your hubby out to find those things!
**10** Eek! I forgot one of the most important things! Thanks friends!!! MESH PANTIES! I told the hubs I forgot this and he laughed saying I'd still be wearing those if I could get them to fit under my pants. Sad, but true. They are remarkable. Ask for many -a - pair.
{Harper's Bag had NOTHING in it to start....}
That's all I can think of right now! Hope this helps!
Sunday, January 22
Dad and Colby's Birthdays!
Shoo Wee! I'm getting worse and worse on having time to post lately!
Here's a recap of the past few weekends in Jan. We celebrated my Dad's birthday...
And also Colby's 3rd Birthday! He had a train theme with lots of fun details all made by his Momma! She made all kinds of fun foods, had trains to paint for an activity, and the party favors were personalized train whistles and personalized crayon boxes to color a train page! I had lots more photos to upload...but blogger is being slow! :)
Here's a recap of the past few weekends in Jan. We celebrated my Dad's birthday...
And also Colby's 3rd Birthday! He had a train theme with lots of fun details all made by his Momma! She made all kinds of fun foods, had trains to paint for an activity, and the party favors were personalized train whistles and personalized crayon boxes to color a train page! I had lots more photos to upload...but blogger is being slow! :)
painting trains |
Saturday, January 21
"Happy Birthday Jesus" Pie
Ok, a WHILE ago, I mentioned we had a Happy Birthday Jesus party on Christmas night, that was the first on an annual tradition.
I made Butterfinger Pie from Cookin' Mama's and it was absolutely amazing!! And...SO EASY!
So, here's the recipe! Enjoy!

6 (2 1/8 ounce) Butterfinger candy bars, crushed
1 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese {fat free}
1 (12 ounce) cartons Cool Whip {fat free}
1 graham cracker crust
Mix first three ingredients together.
Put it in pie crust.
Yup, that easy :)
I made Butterfinger Pie from Cookin' Mama's and it was absolutely amazing!! And...SO EASY!
So, here's the recipe! Enjoy!

6 (2 1/8 ounce) Butterfinger candy bars, crushed
1 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese {fat free}
1 (12 ounce) cartons Cool Whip {fat free}
1 graham cracker crust
Mix first three ingredients together.
Put it in pie crust.
Yup, that easy :)
Thursday, January 19
My Memories Give-Away!! {now closed}
Alright ya'll!!! Come one! This is a FREE package with My Memories to do all kinds of fun stuff to your pictures!!! Who doesn't want to win something for free that's a $39 value?!?!?!
Additional entries can be if you tell your blog friends about the give-away! You'll get 2 more entries!!
Happy Playing!! I'll post the winner on Monday!
Additional entries can be if you tell your blog friends about the give-away! You'll get 2 more entries!!
Happy Playing!! I'll post the winner on Monday!
Monday, January 16
My Memories GIVE-AWAY!!! {now closed}
Ok, I am SO SO excited!! I was contacted a bit ago by Liz from My Memories about trying out her product and hosting a give-away on my blog!! Wahoo! So of course I jumped at the chance to review a product that was all about digital scrapbooking and movie making!
My Memories is a digital scrapbooking software that helps you make beautiful pages so quickly and easily! On the site, they have tons of gallery photos where you can get ideas and lots of free pages and kits!
The kits the scrapbook software have available are amazing! They are already set in themes for you to easily find what you're looking for. There are tons of free kits and pages available, but if you're wanting something just a bit more custom, you can purchase kits and pages for a very low price.
For all you new Moms out there, this is just what I've been looking for! I want to make Harper a scrapbook, but we all know how much time and money that takes! Now, I can make and print these custom pages and place them in her baby book for a custom and unique look! This site also offers lots of other things like books and calendars, cards and videos, recipe much more! They also have an option of auto-fill or custom fill. So if you're really on crunch time, you just upload your photos and the software places the photos!
SOOOO, Here's how to enter!!
1. Become a Follower of my blog, Blissfully Burton
2. Visit My Memories - and look through the free kits and new kits
3. Leave a comment below telling me which kit you like or how you will use this software if you win!
4. You can enter AS MANY TIMES as you'd like!
5. Next Monday, January 23, I will use the Random Generator to choose a Winner!!
*The Value of this give-away is $39.97 and is rated #1 on Amazon!
Yes, it's that easy! I hope we get lots of players!!
{don't forget to leave your name in your comment if you don't have a blog so I know who you are!}
Good Luck and I hope you play!
My Memories is a digital scrapbooking software that helps you make beautiful pages so quickly and easily! On the site, they have tons of gallery photos where you can get ideas and lots of free pages and kits!
The kits the scrapbook software have available are amazing! They are already set in themes for you to easily find what you're looking for. There are tons of free kits and pages available, but if you're wanting something just a bit more custom, you can purchase kits and pages for a very low price.
For all you new Moms out there, this is just what I've been looking for! I want to make Harper a scrapbook, but we all know how much time and money that takes! Now, I can make and print these custom pages and place them in her baby book for a custom and unique look! This site also offers lots of other things like books and calendars, cards and videos, recipe much more! They also have an option of auto-fill or custom fill. So if you're really on crunch time, you just upload your photos and the software places the photos!
SOOOO, Here's how to enter!!
1. Become a Follower of my blog, Blissfully Burton
2. Visit My Memories - and look through the free kits and new kits
3. Leave a comment below telling me which kit you like or how you will use this software if you win!
4. You can enter AS MANY TIMES as you'd like!
5. Next Monday, January 23, I will use the Random Generator to choose a Winner!!
*The Value of this give-away is $39.97 and is rated #1 on Amazon!
Yes, it's that easy! I hope we get lots of players!!
{don't forget to leave your name in your comment if you don't have a blog so I know who you are!}
Good Luck and I hope you play!
Wednesday, January 11
Positive Penny ova' here
Ok, I'm about to make myself turn my nose up and roll my own eyes....
But ladies {and my secret gent. readers}, I've got to share the pretty positives that have happened to me lately and Praise God for them!
I don't usually blog during the week anymore {i schedule the posts to show up from weekend writing}, but this trumps it.
#1: Harper hasn't slept through the night since I began work. Blah. BUT, when she wakes up 3-4 times a night, we know because she's cooing, giggling, or grunting. We look into the monitor and it's like she knows we can see her. She smiles huge. Do you KNOW how much nicer that is to wake up to in the middle of the night than screams? It's awesome. She breaks my heart in a good way when I drag my big 'ol booty in her room in the middle of the night and she kicks her legs and gives me that gummy grin. So, while she's reverted back to her 2-week old self, at least it's sans crying.
{PS- any tips?!?!}
#2: The end of the work week got better. I was determined to start this week off positively and with about an eighth of the tears. With a little hiccup with my sub note on Monday morning, my awesome team-teach was there to rear me back in to thinking positively. We had a great day, I had some great heart-to-heart conversations with said kids from the note, and all was well with my classroom world.
#3: I've obviously been anxious about going back to work. So much so that I got a rash all over my face. But it wasn't all because of leaving Harper. We'll leave it at that. Well, this week I heard some news that made me feel like a huge weight was lifted off of me, and that night I made the decision that I would most definitely end this school year teaching {yes, I wasn't sure if I would} and most likely continue working. Of course, I still miss Harper. Terribly. But I do enjoy being with the kids. I forgot what it was like to be in a positive and supportive environment. Once in one, I've realized there are many things I love about my career.
#4: I've been able to work really well on my Mommy Guilt this weekend and week. ;)
#5: I've been able to cook dinner lots. That makes me happy, my hubby very happy, and our wallet happy.
#6: Hubs and I went to the Christian bookstore looking for a new-parent devotional to do together. We didn't find what we were wanting, but each found our own study. Mine has already done some great things for me and my relationship as has his. Don't you love when you can find a study that is relatively quick in time but exactly what you need in the moment?
#7: God knew I couldn't continue nursing because I needed my cokes every morning to survive. Can I get an Amen?!
#8: Everytime I've picked H up from the sitter, she smiles HUGE at me. Big ol' gums everywhere and squinty little eyes. Makes me so happy.
So, I know I must be earning "The Most Boring Blog Ever" Award over here, I'll leave you with a pic of my cutie and try-to-promise my readers I'll have a recipe or craft up soon. {but ya'll know that's probably a lie.}
But ladies {and my secret gent. readers}, I've got to share the pretty positives that have happened to me lately and Praise God for them!
I don't usually blog during the week anymore {i schedule the posts to show up from weekend writing}, but this trumps it.
#1: Harper hasn't slept through the night since I began work. Blah. BUT, when she wakes up 3-4 times a night, we know because she's cooing, giggling, or grunting. We look into the monitor and it's like she knows we can see her. She smiles huge. Do you KNOW how much nicer that is to wake up to in the middle of the night than screams? It's awesome. She breaks my heart in a good way when I drag my big 'ol booty in her room in the middle of the night and she kicks her legs and gives me that gummy grin. So, while she's reverted back to her 2-week old self, at least it's sans crying.
{PS- any tips?!?!}
#2: The end of the work week got better. I was determined to start this week off positively and with about an eighth of the tears. With a little hiccup with my sub note on Monday morning, my awesome team-teach was there to rear me back in to thinking positively. We had a great day, I had some great heart-to-heart conversations with said kids from the note, and all was well with my classroom world.
#3: I've obviously been anxious about going back to work. So much so that I got a rash all over my face. But it wasn't all because of leaving Harper. We'll leave it at that. Well, this week I heard some news that made me feel like a huge weight was lifted off of me, and that night I made the decision that I would most definitely end this school year teaching {yes, I wasn't sure if I would} and most likely continue working. Of course, I still miss Harper. Terribly. But I do enjoy being with the kids. I forgot what it was like to be in a positive and supportive environment. Once in one, I've realized there are many things I love about my career.
#4: I've been able to work really well on my Mommy Guilt this weekend and week. ;)
#5: I've been able to cook dinner lots. That makes me happy, my hubby very happy, and our wallet happy.
#6: Hubs and I went to the Christian bookstore looking for a new-parent devotional to do together. We didn't find what we were wanting, but each found our own study. Mine has already done some great things for me and my relationship as has his. Don't you love when you can find a study that is relatively quick in time but exactly what you need in the moment?
#7: God knew I couldn't continue nursing because I needed my cokes every morning to survive. Can I get an Amen?!
#8: Everytime I've picked H up from the sitter, she smiles HUGE at me. Big ol' gums everywhere and squinty little eyes. Makes me so happy.
So, I know I must be earning "The Most Boring Blog Ever" Award over here, I'll leave you with a pic of my cutie and try-to-promise my readers I'll have a recipe or craft up soon. {but ya'll know that's probably a lie.}
Monday, January 9
New Years 2012
I've had some pretty wild and fantastic NYE's, but none compare to this year! ha!
We decided we wanted to stay home because 1) my parents party so we did not have a sitter, 2) I was about to go to work and didn't feel like leaving H anyways, and 3) we wanted to keep H on her schedule because we were too afraid to get her off even for one night before I went back to work.
So, we had a great time hanging out at our place with Allison, Yancey, Nola, and the baby-in-the-belly! It was great fun! But so so different than many years either of us have had! ha!
Nola and her parents left before the ball dropped to get Nola in bed, so we ran upstairs and got in our bed to watch the new year! HAHAHA I know. We are losers. But, it was so fun!! :)
We decided we wanted to stay home because 1) my parents party so we did not have a sitter, 2) I was about to go to work and didn't feel like leaving H anyways, and 3) we wanted to keep H on her schedule because we were too afraid to get her off even for one night before I went back to work.
So, we had a great time hanging out at our place with Allison, Yancey, Nola, and the baby-in-the-belly! It was great fun! But so so different than many years either of us have had! ha!
Nola and her parents left before the ball dropped to get Nola in bed, so we ran upstairs and got in our bed to watch the new year! HAHAHA I know. We are losers. But, it was so fun!! :)
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