Wednesday, November 30

No Judgement Day!

My grown-up Cosmo mag {Redbook} had such a funny article in it this month! They dubbed November 30th as "No Judgement Day" among women! A blogger, Jill Smokler, wrote about how Moms judge one another so badly! She set up an anonymous place on her blog where Moms could sound off without being judged!

Now, before I was a Mom I totally would have judged this! ha! Just being honest! But, now, I do find it refreshing that not everyone is perfect! A friend, whom shall remain nameless, acted as if her life was PERFECT after baby came. So, I just assumed that mine would be too. WELL, it wasn't.  And I felt like a terrible mother! I kept wondering how everyone else kept it all together during those first few weeks when baby eats every 2 hours and you never sleep, your house is dirty, and taking a shower is non-existent, and your husband is on your last nerve because he can't feed the baby!  So, I later asked her about it and she confessed, that everything I felt, she had felt too, but didn't want anyone to know! So silly, right?! But us women, we totally do that to one another. :) Why must we feel perfect all the time?

I've said it before on here, and my hubby and I have had many conversations about it - I really don't judge that much anymore.  I know the terms 'for each is own' 'whatever it takes' 'you never know' 'it worked for me, but you will have to see for yourself' very well now! I don't push on people that my way is the best, because I know every baby is different! I don't get upset wasting time worrying about people talking about me or judging me.  I don't waste time thinking about silly drama anymore. So, Mary, you were totally right. My personality has changed for the better these days and I am SO glad!
So, here are my Judgement Feelings Soundboard:
Don't Judge Me Because....
1. I have to go back to work and can't be a SAHM. It doesn't make you a better mother than me, and it doesn't mean I like material things more than my baby.
2. I play rap/pop music in the car when I'm driving with my baby.
3. My baby cries in public places and I have to SHHHH in her ear to get her to quit. Loudly.
4. I stick a paci in my girl's mouth to get her to quit crying.
5. I use formula instead of nursing.
6. I spend a lot of money on baby clothes and that I like personalized outfits with her name or monogram even though I know I can't resell it.
7. I'm not a supermodel and I have a nasty looking belly now but I still don't want to work out or eat healthy.
8. I look at my baby and think she's the prettiest one in the store/mall/restaurant.
9. I let my baby watch/stare at TV because she likes it, and it soothes her sometimes.
10. Staying at home with my hubs and baby on a Saturday night is just fine with me. But I do like wine. And I will have a glass. In public. With my baby. :) {but I won't have a glass if I'm driving her and I will judge you if you do that...KIDDING!}

I'd LOVE to hear yours!!

Anyways, this blogger, Jill, is very PG-13, but hilarious, so if you go visit her site...don't judge! ;)
And go to to read funny posts on this!

"Mom, quit taking my picture!"

*Don't forget to link up below to the Christmas Decorations linky!

Tuesday, November 29

Thanksgiving Weekend!

Harper had a great first Thanksgiving! She turned 8 weeks on Thanksgiving and that night slept 9 1/2 hours straight! Wowza! On Thursday we went to my Mom's side where we had close to 70 people! We meet in a church fellowship hall to fit everyone! It was my nephew Cameron's first Thanksgiving too but he got to try all the foods! Yum!! He loved it all!  And of course here are the crazy pictures that took place...

Whitney - her baby Uggs fit!!! so stinking cute!

10 months apart- Harper and Cameron

cousins - the best I could get! Harper 8 wks, Cameron 10 mo, Colby 2 1/2yrs
Friday Brian got off work early and we went downtown with Harper and our friends and sister's kids to see the Lighting of the Christmas Tree in Triangle Park. It was super fun and Harper did great! But the best part of the night was the ride home with Jordan, Nick, Amanda, Harper, and us. TOO funny. :)

ice skating rink!

Amanda, Jordan, and I

warm and snuggly outside!

one of many Christmas outfits!! love mudpie!!
On Saturday we went to Thanksgiving with Brian's grandparents and cousins!

seriously, how precious is this?!?! she spit out her paci because she was smiling so big for me!!! melts my heart...
Saturday night Brian and I had a date night thanks to Maegan's UK basketball tickets and Mom & Dad for watching Harper! This was the longest I had left Harper...since I had her! I started to freak out a little bit before we went and we contemplated on not going. I just didn't want to leave her for some reason! But, Mom sent me a couple of picture texts and we had a great time! It was really fun to have a night {ok, 3 1/2 hours} to be with one another! We went early and had drinks and dinner and then went to the game.  It almost felt like one of our patio talks we used to have where we get deep! It was great!
Sunday night we hosted our Life Group for dinner! It was so fun!! :)  Of course, Sunday night blues sunk in - but this week is going to be a big one! Our baby turns 2 months old and gets the dreaded shots!

**PS- don't forget to link up to the Christmas Decorations post below!! I want to see! :)

Monday, November 28

Christmas Decorations Linky Party!

Woo Hoo! I'm more excited to see your Christmas decorations than to share mine! :)

Thanks to Pinterest, I wanted to do a lot more this year, but I just haven't had wanted the take the time to make because playing with baby is just a little more fun these days. Oh well!

After we got engaged, my husband wanted to get an ornament from the spot we were at to commemorate on our tree. I was majorly against having a 'memory' tree as I wanted a pretty perfect tree.  But, after our first Christmas together and a couple years of collecting ornaments from places we've been, I am SO GLAD he won that fight! It was so fun pulling out our ornaments and reminiscing about our trips.  I can't wait to pick up a few First Baby ornaments for this year, too! Harper LOVES the tree! She can sit there and look at it for quite a while!!

*New things I'm wanting to add but just haven't gotten around it is 2 smaller wreaths hanging from my china hutch windows.  I think next year I will put in my Christmas China I have into the china hutch. I just didn't feel like getting all that out this year!!

Our Christmas decorations are pretty much the same as last year which can be seen here and here. But, here's some pics of the newer items this year!

Santa already filled Harper's stocking! haha

happy my homemade bows stayed in tack from last year!

jingle bells in the monogrammed bowl

napkin rings are from MIL, they are made out of dough from the women in Ecuador!

our first family ornament with Harper

our "happy birthday jesus" party details will be coming soon!

i went back and forth on getting Harper a new advent calendar, but this one was made by my Nanny. she never got to meet Brian or Harper, so I decided to keep this one and we'll use it with Harper! :)

Harper's tree. I wanted the pink feather one at HL, but once I made it there it was already sold out! Hoping to get it for next year!

pre-lit wreath, but I added the other stuff on

Harper got a girl elf from GG on Sunday :)

Harper is the only one with gifts wrapped! She has her own special paper this year - no one else can have their presents wrapped in it! Her Christmas sock monkey was also a gift from GG on Sunday along with 3 Christmas sleeper outfits! She got pre-Christmas gifts!
Christmas Card wreath on pantry door with last year's card


front porch sans snowman flag you can't see/ wanting to add big red mesh bows to the top of the trees (pic taken before I re-did wreath)
Don't you just love how cozy Christmas makes your home feel?!
And of course, the cutest decoration this year is this new addition...

So, if you'd like to join in on the fun, add my button if you don't mind to your post and link up below!  And if you're new to my blog, I'd love for you to click the follow button!

{just copy and paste your blog post url into the link below}

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Sunday, November 27

Christmas Decorations Link Up ~ Don't forget!

Don't forget! I'll have the Christmas decorations Linky Party up by the end of the day MONDAY! I'll keep it open until Saturday! I'm excited to see your decorations! :)

As you're working on your post, don't forget to add my picture to your blog post! :)

Saturday, November 26

Christmas Card Time!! by Tiny Prints

I love sending Christmas cards! Last year was my favorite of all time Christmas card because I put pictures of our honeymoon on there and it was this pretty plaid design! I've already done a little faux photo shoot with my girl and her big Christmas tutu and leggings! Now I just have to pick out the best picture! :)

I'm using Tiny Prints for my Christmas card this year since I loved how the birth announcements turned out! They have so many awesome designs and prices are so reasonable and always having deals!

A couple of things I love about this website is that:
1. You can narrow your search into how many photos you want to use/the type of card you are looking for/the price range on the left side of the screen.
2. They also let you hit "favorites" which is so helpful because then you can go back and compare all the ones you love side by side! Although - this makes it hard to choose because I think they are all cute!

After searching around Tiny Prints website for Christmas cards, here are the options I'm looking at.... Which one do you like best?!
Delightful Pastels
delightful pastels

merry intent

family of trees

fantasy snowflake

colorful letters

tartan spotlight

lively holiday

merry medley

what a delight

I'm looking forward to sending Harper's picture out to all our family members, but I also enjoy getting photo cards from friends and family! I'll be displaying them the same as last year on a Christmas Card Wreath I made last year. Can't wait for the cards to start flowing in!

I'd encourage you to check out Tiny Prints when looking for your holiday cards. They've got so many to choose from and tons of discounts and promotions to make it affordable for any budget!

Oh, and PS- here is my Birth Announcement from Tiny Prints {I know there's lots of preggos out there-great place to look!}

*All opinions I've written here are mine; however, I will be compensated for promoting Tiny Prints this Holiday season.


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