But today as I was watching the Today Show, Elizabeth Edwards was on promoting her new book, Resilience.

And as Matt was digging deep into the cheating and lying of her husband {you know he has been cheating on her for years and only telling Elizabeth it was a one-nighter, yet he has a kid, and she's been battling cancer through all this} she only spoke kindly of John and did not say one nasty word about the 'other' woman. I just kept watching with my jaw hanging open wondering when she was going to snap. But she didn't.
And then I thought to myself, there are so many famous people and regular people who want to get their 15 minutes of bashing in, and this woman had the outlet to really speak her mind, yet she was calm, collected, and CLASSY. One thing I am not sure I could be if I were in the same situation. Actually, I know I wouldn't be classy about it. I would be straight trashy - which is why I'm happy to know I won't have to deal with a situation like this. I was honestly shocked and intrigued.
Anyways, as non-political {and non-reader!} as I am, I am intrigued to read her book and read how she has taken the high road in dealing with her breast cancer, losing her first-born, dealing with a cheating/lying husband, being in the public eye, and hearing your one and only has another child. Do you think she's a Christian? I don't honestly know how you would deal with all of that if you weren't...
Will you read it?