My oh my what a weekend we had! Our weekend began on Friday night where we spent over an hour looking and deciding on paint. I am so indecisive and Brian is so agreeable, that it was hard for us to choose a paint color! I've been saying for months I wanted our bedroom painted and I knew the color scheme I was going for. But then this past week, I had 2 new ideas. So, we looked and looked until we decided on the color - Escape! I'll leave the pictures below to show you the color. I've also wanted for months to do the striping along the bed board wall. I looked up the directions on the DIY website and didn't think it could be that hard...right?!

After painting on two coats (taking 7 hours!!!!) we geared up for our next event on Saturday ~ my sister's 30th Birthday! Her husband had been planning this fun-filled night since well before our wedding. Plans ended up changing a tad due to some very exciting news, but we still managed to surprise Kelli, pick her and a few friends up in the limo, and have a great night!

{treats I made for the Limo ride}
Once B and I got home, we were so exhausted. We had no idea painting was this hard!!
So Sunday morning we woke up and got right to work on the stripes. I thought it'd take about an hour ~ it took 3!!!

{we're still needing to add to the room ~ we'll be putting up navy curtains and adding navy, white, and silver accents to the room}
We love our bedroom! We were wanting to do stripes along the back of the tub wall in the bathroom and the same color on the walls, but we ran out of time. Another weekend, another project!
Then of course, me being the over-planner that I am, we needed to also get the rest of our house looking good and fix dinner for a cookout with our friends! Brian was so amazing. I could tell he was worn out, but went straight out to mow and clean up the yard before our friends came over. I worked hard on cleaning the upstairs and getting our new room looking good to show off!

{veggie dip apps in our monogrammed tumblers}

{mini porkies with coleslaw, grilled hot dogs((yuck)), souper mac&cheese, fruit salad, and fries in the bags(desserts provided by my friends!)}
We had a great time with our 'life group' of friends. Philip had to miss out due to work~but we were thinking about him! As Nick stated, we went 'middle school dance style' with the seating. Girls at one table, guys at the other. Everyone had a great time! By 9:30 we were all exhausted and dreading another work week ahead. Only 7 more work days for me before summer!!
I noticed this weekend how alike my Dad and Brian are. I put Brian to work. I mean really, I did. He was not enthused about the tedious stripes but he did it anyways because he knew I wanted it. He was worn out from work on Friday but taped the whole room and grilled burgers for us at 9:30! He wasn't extremely happy about all the plans I had made for us all weekend despite knowing we were painting, but he did it all without saying a negative word. That's just like my Dad. Going with the flow, making other people around him happy. I'm so blessed I found a man I can say is actually like my dad. And the best part about this jam-packed weekend ~ it was the first weekend since we've been married that we spent Friday through Sunday together. No interruptions, no other commitments, just us sharing life with friends and family. It was perfect.
I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart;
I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.
—Psalm 9:1