Wednesday, September 28

Crafting>Nesting {halloween and a tutorial}

So, if nesting is a pre-requisite for the baby to come...she may never come!! :) I'm sorry, but when I have a minute, I'd rather be sleeping or making something! Of course, I do love organizing her room and her baby items around the house. Does that count?

Here's a few things I got together today that I thought were so cute and easy!

Jack-O-Lantern Treats:
 How cute, right?! It took me 5 minutes to create - even better! My nephews in GA are coming in this weekend and I wanted to make sure to get their Halloween treat to them before they left! I also made one my Colby & Cameron, and Lana {my cousin-in-law}.

Here's how to make:
*pint size mason jars
*candy corn & pumpkin treats
*black vinyl
All I did was fill the jars with the candy, lay the black vinyl on the white side (back side) and drew out a mouth and 2 triangles for eyes.  Then I peeled it off and stuck it to the jar! Lastly, just add cute ribbon! Make sure the lid in on tight just in case the parents don't want their kid's fingers in the jars all the time! {although, candy corn is a fat free treat! ha!}

So easy, right?!

Next I made one for our house to keep on one of the end tables in the family room.  I took out the little topper insert to make it easier to grab a few candies at a time. :)  I just added ribbon with double-sided tape and then a ribbon bow around the lid.  I LOVE candy corn!!

Argyle Pumpkin:
Ok, so you all know I am Pinterest-illiterate! I found a cute photo of an argyle/polka dot/and striped pumpkin set floating around Pinterest.  I'm going to say probably all of you have too since it's been re-pinned so many times! WELL, the thing I dislike so much about Pinterest is that I never found where it truly came from and a tutorial for it.  So, I made up my own way of making one and I've got an easy tutorial for you!
I used teal, yellow, and brown instead of orange and black because I thought it matched better where I put it in my family room.
Here's what you need:
*ghost pumpkin (real or fake, mine is real)
*3 paints of your choice
*one sheet of paper
*paint brush
Here's the tutorial:
1. First, make sure your pumpkin is super clean!
2. Take a piece of paper or card stock and fold in half.  Then draw a triangle where the point is the opposite of your fold. (I traced my triangle I had cut out a while back from my Gender Reveal banner)
3. Next, cut it out and tape on the paper. Then start with one of your colors and paint.

 4. Remove and place next to the triangle and repeat. Do this around the entire pumpkin or just the part that will show. :)
5.  After you've painted your pumpkin, use a skinnier paint brush and start making quick, short, dotted lines through each triangle.
6. Viola! You are done with your super cute and preppy pumpkin! :)
Let me know if you try!!!

I'm Linking Up with A Bowl Full of Lemons :)

Tuesday, September 27

Prepping For Baby ~ Teaching & Thank You's

So, there's a LOT of prep for a baby. More than I ever knew or could imagine!

For a teacher, oh-ma-word, there's no end to prepping for your Maternity Leave.  It's as if you don't really get a break until you actually get to the point of breaking yourself after all the planning you have to do to get it! In a teacher world, nothing is ever completed and you are never caught up. So think about planning for your weeks/months away while doing your daily stuff and knowing you will always have just one more thing to add!

TeachingI've been working on my large long-term sub binder since February of last year.  There's many, many things you must add that you don't even think about for someone else because it's so routine for you.  As most teachers, I am a total Type-A personality in my job.  I like things organized, clean, and ran MY way.  I like to run a tight ship where students are having hands-on and engaging lessons while still being at a good voice level and still order in the classroom. Honestly, I just don't see how a messy/un-organized classroom could least for me! I'm a everything-has-a-spot kind of person. I don't like people in my personal space in terms of my desk/computer and I most certainly like to plan everything I do myself{I am soo not good at this team-planning thing. More on that to come later one day!}.

SO, on to prepping the Sub-Binder.
There's a billion things in there, but for my readers, I'll just give you the highlighted topics ~ maybe this could help someone?!
*list of all passwords
*daily, weekly, monthly procedures
*morning procedures/bathroom procedures
*discipline and reward systems and procedures
*IEP's and 504's
*behavior students and students on charts (explain)
*birthday procedures
*special occasions/assembly procedures
*Weather Drill procedures
*list of students with side-notes about personalities/what works best with them
*student ability levels and how to read those
*technology guidelines (how to use smart board, find/create lessons, how to write daily blog, etc.)
*parent contacts
*homeroom parent and volunteer schedules
*Lesson Plans for ALL subjects with extras included
*Book Logs pre-made with due dates
*Writing Buddy (some do Reading Buddy) schedules and lessons/activities
*Grade Book guidelines and how to enter in grades online
*activities for the kids to make for the teacher (letters prepared, etc.)
*People to Ask list so the sub knows who to go to on certain questions
I know I'm missing half the stuff I mean to, but there's my shortened list. If you live in the area, I'd be glad to give you my binder when I'm done to look through. HAHA

Prepping the Parents:
Most parents (at least the feeling I've gotten this year) are excited for you but nervous for their child.  They obviously want the best for their child, and again, teaching is not a regular job. You've got a lot of people who want you to see their child as the only one in the universe. I completely understand, but I also wish they would understand what hard work I've been doing to get ready for my leave! So, I've been trying to prep the parents. I go above and beyond (as a lot of teachers do) for my parents and kids to stay connected. So I've tried to remind some of my parents that so that they will see that their 4-5 emails a day may not get answered by the sub, but they will be ok. :) I've already written my letters to my parents that will be passed out on my first day of maternity leave explaining all about the sub and what actions are put in place to keep everything mostly in place. I've also started conferences on a needs-base (do you know how hard that is when I am soo tired by the end of the day and then knowing I have to come home and work on sub plans at night?!?!?) as well as emailing and reminding parents about things here and there.  One thing I have learned is to NOT tell how long you are planning to take off.  From the advice of our PSA and other teachers, it really doesn't concern them and it just makes them even more nervous...making a personality type like me nervous and anxious about the parent being upset with me about having a baby. (yes, that is a true statement of how I feel sometimes)

Prepping with Students:Poor things. They just don't get it. I had one student ask me if I'd be returning in about a week after I have the baby... But the thing is, you can't really tell them how long you are planning to take off either. Because a week in a child's life is an eternity. Add in telling that 8 weeks or more? They will go ba-zonkers! So, we've done lots of talking about me leaving and then coming back. I've told the kids I will be back and I do hope to visit them soon. I've also promised to share pictures of Harper when she comes, etc.  They will be ok. :) I have letters written and planned when to give to my kids while I am gone so they know I'm thinking about them and want them to continue learning and doing their best.  I also made a treat to give the students on my first day gone, which my awesome assistant will pass out. It's these cute lollipops that say, "thanks for letting me have my Mom for a few weeks. love, Harper". Of course I know my students will know she didn't write that (!!) but I wanted them to feel excited and happy on the first day without me, too!
dark phone pic :(

Thank You's
Ok, so now on to the hospital stay! Duh, the bags are packed. But, what you don't want to forget to pack are little thank yous. A thank-you goes a long way.
I've made little goodie bags for my nurses that I will have taking care of us. I know it's their job to do this, but a little thank you can go a long way...believe me, I'm a teacher and when I get a thank you for doing my job it feels good!
So, these are little bags I put together with dark chocolate kisses inside. One side says, "you're so sweet" and the other side says, "thanks for taking care of us, love the Burton's". I hope they like!
Visitors:Although I don't want to share this too early... :) I have little goodies bags for friends and family who visit Harper in the hospital, too.  I know it's hard to get to the hospital and I also know a lot of people do not like hospitals, so people who come are definitely coming out of their way to come meet your little person. So, again, a thank you can go a long way.  I made these stickers and just added them to the purple bags and put candy inside. The stickers say her name and "thanks for visiting me!" and our blog address if they want to follow some of her pictures. 

:) Sorry for the long post!

Monday, September 26

Give-Away Winner!

And the Winner Is...

Lucky Number 7! {sorry about the poor picture quality}

Amy said...

I'm a fan! Make it 151! Woot! You are going to be a great Momma and Harper is a very lucky little girl!
September 25, 2011 2:03 PM

Send me an email @ and let me know what you'd like on your purell bottle!

Thanks everyone for playing!!

Sunday, September 25

39 weeks 1 Day :)

We're still hanging on!! :)

My hubby and brother-in-law are out of the D-Day guessing game! Only Mom, Dad, and Kelli left!

At my weekly appointment on Thursday everything checked out great...with no progression towards baby coming early! So we will see! We did set a day and time for a post-due date induction day, so there is an end in sight to meet our little one! I have to be honest though, my feelings on this were unclear.  It made me nervous to have this date in my mind to know I'll be going in to the hospital and starting the pitocin. I know billions of people are induced, but it just wasn't what I thought would happen.  Of course, we still have several days before maybe little one will surprise us! If she doesn't; however, that might mean she's a good listener!! I say that because...when we learned of our final due date {our first one was Sept. 27} than I could just see PUMPKIN birthday parties in her future and I got super excited! haha! I would tell her to wait until October so we could do that! We don't have any kid fall birthdays in my family so I have been dreaming of the fun that will be! I also thought Oct. sounded pretty good when thinking of taking time off from school and trying to determine if I could take off the rest of the semester!

Pregnancy Highlights:
{Due Date: Oct. 1}

Size: still a watermelon but could be between 7-9lbs! whoa! That makes me a bit scared!

Weight: +1 this week

Clothes: I now only have 2 pairs of pants that fit me without being too tight when I sit on my lower belly! haha

Cravings: Nothing really

Sleep: comes and goes...but getting much more worn down during the day than I had

Movements: Harper is still kicking good which is great since the books say she will start slowing down near the end. I haven't had too much trouble making sure she's getting in her 10 kicks a day or more.

Our Feelings: Brian is just over the moon anxious about it all. He's sooo ready for her to be here! I'm still good with a little bit longer on the waiting; but of course I'm ready to meet her! I'm just getting more anxious about the delivery part.

Can't wait to see if I'll be making one more Pregnancy Post or not!! :)

PS- If you haven't commented for the so! You can comment as many times as you want! It's the post below this one! :)

Friday, September 23

Cute Gifts & A Give Away! {now Closed}

Wow! So the little blog has reached 150 followers!! Thanks guys!! I also noticed I haven't done a Give-Away in quite a few months... so I'm going to have one starting today!!

I've shared a couple of the Purell Bottles ~ But that's what I'll be giving away! A custom one for you!

I think these would make adorable hostess gifts, teacher gifts, or just cute around your home. Could you imagine these personalized to match your child's birthday party? Who doesn't like to be clean AND cute?

 {Welcoming new babies with visitors...}
 {Tailgating Fun and the tractor is for our family Farm Picnic, but could work for other occasions, too!}
Other Ideas:
Thanksgiving Table:
Gobble! with brown and yellow polka dots
Christmas ones that are coming up:
Monogrammed with red and green polka dots
Christmas tree with polka dots
Ski Boots with polka dots and monogram

So Give-Away Time!
Here's how to play:
1. Make sure you're a Follower of this blog!
2. Leave me a comment (or many) under this post
3. I'll use the Random Generator (like in the past give-aways) to see who won!

**When you win...You can choose anything you'd like for a Purell bottle! I'll email you with the options/designs or you can create your own for me!
{as I'm expecting any day now...this give-away will be quick! we'll only have it up until MONDAY and I'll ship it to you ASAP!}
Give-Away ends on Monday at 6:00 PM.

So...I hope you'll play!! :)

PS- I'm sorry if you've contacted me for items from The Craft Store. I've decided to only keep a few things up while on Maternity Leave! So sorry about the wreaths...they just take too much time right now!! :)

My Pregnancy Reflection

This might be boring to a lot of my readers {sorry!} but, since this is my on-line journal, I want to remember my pregnancy as a whole.  A lot of my friends tell about how it's hard to remember parts of their pregnancy ~ which is why I'm glad I've chosen to write about it on my blog and keep a pregnancy journal at home to show Harper one day. So, these are my opinions kind of written to myself!

1. Being Pregnant is Different.
It's different because there are so many stages to a pregnancy.  In the beginning, I just remember being so incredibly sick and not being able to do anything about it.  Zofran didn't work for me, and I had to go to work while getting sick all day long {running out of my classroom} because I knew if I took off then, I wouldn't have as many days with Harper after she comes.  I also remember the dreaded fridge stage! I couldn't open it for weeks. Once I finally started feeling better (around 18/19 weeks) it was wonderful.  Then the last stage came and I just felt very run-down again and the pains of my swollen limbs were sometimes unbearable.  I loved the feeling of empowerment I have knowing it was up to me on how the baby grows so that I would eat and drink healthier.

*My favorite time of being pregnant was weeks 20-34. I felt great and I had a lot of energy. Plus, I loved my little baby bump that was getting bigger and bigger!!

2. Relationships Change.
As much as you want your husband, your friends, and your mom to understand what it's like...they don't and they can't.  Every pregnancy is different and every person handles it differently.  I felt like I did the best that I could with my friends in still trying to attend everything throughout my whole time - and that was truly hard. We have always been on the go people and we are blessed to have lots of friends and lots of things to do. Now looking back, I wish I learned the word, "no", and was able to say it sometimes.  I would come home and cry because I was so tired or emotional but didn't want my friends to think differently of me just because I was pregnant. However, your Mom is about the closest you can get to know what you feel like. Not that I had the same pregnancy as my Mom, but because I think they just come with a certain instinct to try and understand their child.

2A Relationships Change with your Husband.
I spent so much time in the beginning being so upset and anxious about my role at home as a wife.  I was exhausted or couldn't smell or see certain foods that Brian has to step up and begin trying to cook for us, clean for us, or go get food. He really had to do a lot and I cannot tell you how much I appreciated him.  It's also hard because you want things to stay the same, but they just can't.  But on the other hand, your relationship grows so much.  There were so many moments that only Brian and I shared.  The first movements and flutters of our baby girl. The secret we kept just between the two of us for a while. The hopes and fears we shared. The dreaming. The shopping. The life changes we talked about.  That part has been amazing.  Although we always felt like we were a family of 2, knowing we had just made an actual person because of our love is just something that I cannot express in words the feeling.  It will no longer be what Megan & Brian want, but more what is best for our little family and what is best for Harper.  I cannot wait to see how our marriage is with actually getting to meet our little one.

3. Faith Grows.
I feel like while trying for a baby, you have to be somewhat faithful.  It boggles my mind that there are people who do not love Christ - especially those with children.  Although we are 'making' her, God created her.  I just feel like both of our faiths grew so much and leaned on God so much during the 9 months and I anticipate that it will be the same throughout the rest of her life.

4. The Bump.
I wished for that bump to show.  I think I even sometimes wore clothes to accentuate the bump a little too early.  I was so proud of my bump because it meant my baby was growing and becoming healthy.  I'm so glad it's OK in the fashion world now to wear fitted clothes to show off the bump - because it is a beautiful thing. I thought I would be so embarrassed for when my belly button started to show, but actually I don't even care! It doesn't stick out too much, but at some point you just sort of stop caring about such little and kind of vain things. :)

5. Baby Showers.
Baby showers are so fun.  It was a lot more fun for me than wedding showers because you were opening presents for someone else! You know what I mean? It was neat to see how people are truly excited for you. People also love to recount their own pregnancies and labor stories and it's neat to hear from other people.

6. You are an Open Book.
For some reason, once you reveal you are pregnant, you are a walking open book.  (at least for me) People will say anything to you - good or bad.  People will ask you anything and expect an answer, and people will feel no shame to tell you what they think is the right way or the way you need to do things. That's something I just had to get over.  People truly mean well I think, but again, no one is the same and no pregnancy or baby is the same, so you just have to learn to take things with a grain of salt.

7. Listen to your Doctor, not the Internet.
Opening the internet to search pregnancy questions was the worst thing I did! Then my doctor told me to quit doing it and just listen to him. So I did. And it helped. There's too many crazy things on the internet that are and aren't I just called the OB or asked when I went.  Surprisingly, I was not as crazy as I thought I would be and only called to ask one funny question. :)

8. My favorite Memories.
Seeing the first ultrasound.
Giving my friends and family their treats to reveal we were expecting.
Seeing the first 3D ultrasound with her movements.
Feeling her for the first time.
Brian feeling her kick for the first time.
Finding out the gender and getting to celebrate with all our friends at our Gender Reveal Party {which who knew those parties are now the 'new thing'?!}.
Getting her room ready.
Watching my belly move and move and move!
Looking through weekly photos to see how big the bump got.

9. My favorite 'things'.
Preggie Pops
Palmer's Cocoa Butter Stretch Cream {i swear by this stuff to not get one mark!}
Bella Band
Saltine crackers
ultrasound pictures
enlarged boobs {hey, it only happens once i guess!}
plump lips
What to Expect app

10. Thankful for my sister.
I am very glad I had my sister to ask a million questions to or just call her and talk to her about how I was feeling.  She had 2 pregnancies and they were both different, so she had lots of things to tell me about or help me. She helped Brian and I a lot about knowing what we needed, tricks to help me feel better, or just someone to discuss with. I just love her boys so very much and I just love being their aunt. I know she's going to love being an aunt just as much as me {at least I hope so!}.

11. Try and Realize You aren't the First.
Seriously. I know my hormones are intense, but, some people really just got to me more than usual while I was pregnant. :) I just hope I wasn't one of those I couldn't stand. Please know that when you are pregnant, it is awesome, but you are not the first person to ever be pregnant nor the last.  So although my blog has been wrapped up in my own pregnancy, I certainly hope that in my real life I was not one of those people who talked about it non-stop.  Also, again, your husband does not need to become your 'servant' {seriously, I know some true-life stories of others} just because you are pregnant. It's not his fault nor is it his duty to feel and know everything you do. Remember, it's hard on him, too.

12. Being pregnant is on your mind constantly. 
There's never really a moment once you know you're pregnant that you don't think about it. Not in a vain way for me, but in a scared-am I doing something wrong-way.  You are always second guessing your every move on what you eat or drink.  You are always making sure you aren't walking or running or lifting too much.  You are either freaked out because you haven't counted the 10 kicks yet or worried about feeling too much movement meaning your baby isn't sleeping enough.  You wonder if your stress at work is affecting your baby. You wonder if your sleeping or accidentally rolling over on your back will hurt your baby.  You wonder if you can manage the pain of child birth. You wonder if you can breastfeed. It's a lot, so, the only thing you can really do, is do the best you can and pray!

Wednesday, September 21


Wow! It's been a while since I've linked up with Jamie!

I'm Loving... These cute baby Uggs for Harper sent from Whitney! Thank you! Too cute!!
I'm Loving... This bow I finally made! I know it's not the best, but I was proud of myself! ha!
I'm Loving... That it is Premiere TV week! Although, most of my shows have been DVR'ed so far this week because I can't stay up! ha! But I'm excited to watch! Definitely Modern Family tonight! Woo Hoo!
I'm Loving... That it is already Wednesday! So ready for the weekend and sleeping in!

I'm Loving... Our sweet friends, Maegan, Trent, and baby Collins for bringing us dinner on Monday night! What an awesome surprise to have a yummy dinner after a long day of work!!

I'm Loving... These Santa diapers! HAHA! I think they are too funny!
I'm Loving... This diaper sack for my diaper bag I just ordered off Etsy! Now they won't just be flung around in the bag. I have a serious need for bins and bags in all stages of life!
Thanks for reading!! :)
*PS- for my regular followers... I will not have my Thankful Thursday Linky party up. Sorry!! :(

Tuesday, September 20

I don't get it :(

Ok, let's just blame it on the pregnancy brain...but I don't get it!

What is all the fuss about Pinterest?!?! I know, my bloggy friends are going to disown me for saying that!

Against my will, I decided to join it all because of Katharine.  I had been holding off because I felt like it was a fad that everyone was doing {i realize you are saying to yourself, um, you blog, that's a fad...but i started before it got too cool i think!} but alas, I caved.

So, I'm on it, and I just save pictures of things I think are cute or I want to make? Maybe it stresses me out a bit because I haven't had much time to craft like I had been in the past or make up recipes for us to eat and post?? Who knows.

And what is with the following and repinning things? Ha, do I need to follow people?!??! So confused! And when I find something, I don't see where to buy it or the link to how to make it. Does this happen to you?

So, anyhow, here I am. On pinterest. As if I don't spend enough time on the computer, I have yet another thing to take up my time! Honestly, I've found a whole lot of cute clothes I cannot afford and awesome crafts I will not have time to make with a newborn! Yikes! Maybe one day??

But one more question - does anyone know how I can add and upload my own pictures? I thought it was as simple as uploading your picture but it didn't work. Tips will help!

Ok, tell me why you love Pinterest so much!!!

Monday, September 19

Guest Feature Post!

Oh my gosh! I'm so excited!!
Jen from

is featuring little ol' me on her Mama's-to-Be Monday!

Go on over to her neat blog and check out my post!!

Thanks so much Jen, it was fun!!

*If you're visiting from her blog, welcome! Go back to the Home button and stay a while! :)

Happy Monday!!

Sunday, September 18

Weekend Wrap-Up

Well folks, my weekends just aren't what they used to be. :)

Friday night I took Brian on a date! Well, I planned the night for us, so he was happy to not make the decisions.  We went to Nick Ryan's Saloon and sat on the patio {such great Fall weather!}. We've been there once before for drinks, but never to eat. OH MY WORD. No need to ever go there again. It was seriously one of the worst places for service and food I've ever been to. Don't get me wrong, Brian and I enjoyed our conversations that took place during the 55 minutes it took to bring us our food, but at some got ridiculous! I think they were pissed I only ordered water because they'd never bring me a 'real' glass and I had to drink out of those tiny water glasses, which they never filled up. Poor Brian couldn't get a drink to save his life! I also went out on a limb and ordered a steak.  That sounds silly to say, but I don't usually like to order steaks because they are so expensive {ha, I know, I'm cheap} but I did it. It was sooo nasty. I was so sad and disappointed... Oh well! But like I said, the conversations were great.  We reminisced a lot during the night about the pregnancy, the funny/awful moments from the beginning with me being sick and the fridge stuff and everything, and our awesome Asheville trip {where we decided to get on the baby train...}. It was wonderful to have a date night!!

Saturday we slept in a little and then went our separate ways.  Brian tailgated for the big UK/UofL game. I was so jealous! I just knew that my body could not take the walking, standing, and heat all day/night. But I really was sad thinking about how fun our town and tailgates get during this rivalry game! My Mom did come pick me up for a while and 'chauffered' me around taking things back and getting a few last minute needed items for the baby. I spent the rest of my Saturday night working on lessons plans and watching Sex & the City. Please try to not be jealous! :)

On Sunday we met Mom and Dad at Cracker Barrel. Then we started on some major prep again for baby! Brian and I {ok, mostly Brian} put together the car seats and the mirrors for the backseats! We also got my little jeep a nice cleaning on the inside to bring baby home in! Wha-La! How nice is it to have that done? Poor truck has never seen a vacuum! Then we worked on getting things out of the way in the garage so I could easily get the car seat in and out!  That night we invited our life group to come with us on our weekly "No More Sunday Night Blues" date and we went to a new place, The Local Taco. YUMMO! It was delicious! It's downtown right in the heart of the college kids {hehe} and it was delicious! Super cheap and super yummy!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend as well!!!

*PS- I noticed some new followers! Thanks! Leave me a comment so I can follow you back! :)

Saturday, September 17

2 Weeks 'till D-Day!

EEK! EEK! EEK! Can you believe it?! Ok, I cannot! I am 38 weeks PREGNANT!!! I've been pregnant for almost 10 months!! So crazy!!!!

OK, I'm sorry for this nasty pic! It was taken at 37 weeks 6 days at 6:15 AM! haha And do you love how nasty my mirror is?! Sorry about that. :) My face looks scary as well b/c I was shocked to see that my NOSE has now expanded I think! But, it was a good shot of the round belly! :)

Here's some things I'm LOVING about it this past week:
1. My little family of 2 is about to become a family of 3!!
2. People are seriously so sweet! I have tons of people tell me that I'm a "cute pregnant girl" or "you must only be 6 months along" and although they are probably lying through their sure does feel GOOD to hear this far into the game!
3. We've got all the baby things up and ready for Harper around the house! It is sooo fun to look at the pack-n-play and the diapers and wipes in the living room!
4. I'm relishing in her kicks and tumbles every day {and night!} because pretty soon I won't be feeling those anymore...I'll be SEEING them!
5. We just have no clue when she's coming! My weekly appointments have been GREAT so far...good levels, great blood pressure, and heartbeat has been great. So the doctors have been telling me it's better to just let her stay and 'cook' rather than induce me at this point because she's happy inside! :) So, who knows when she will come!! We don't!
6. My dreams! I've been having the funniest dreams lately. They are of my our little girl after she's born. I never dream of the actual birth (yay i think) but she's always a but older than she should be and she's smiling and so happy. I sure hope we have a happy baby!
7. I just keep looking at my packed bags wondering!!!! They are all ready to go!

HA! I jinxed myself dangit! I did not sleep this week. I also like to now go back to puking in the night, thanks to my heartburn!! Ahh well!

Weight: no change
Clothes: I'm running out of things to fit me! Luckily, although we have cooler temps, I believe flip-flops are still ok. And if they aren't...well... my chubby feet can't fit into my boat shoes, tennis shoes, or any other closed toed shoes and I'm not about to purchase them for 2 WEEKS left! :)

Mood: Sooo tired from working and being on-the-go-non-stop, but I'm making it!! My students of course have no clue they have a zombie for a teacher, because I don't let them see that side of me! {you're welcome kids...wish I could tell them that! ha!}

Baby: Baby is still measuring like a watermelon! No wonder she's so stinking heavy to carry around! Her weight could be about 7 lbs now and about 20 inches long. We shall soon see I guess! Do you think we'll have a little baby, an average baby, or a big baby? I was 4-5 lbs and Brian was I think around 9lbs! Hmm... I was also 4 weeks early, though.  Her skin color has now changed from pink to white! All things are clear to go and she's ready to enter into the world!

As always, thanks for reading and following us! :)

Thursday, September 15

Thankful Thursday Linky

*Come join the fun! Link up your simple thankful thoughts from the week! Then visit other blogs and leave comments for them, too!
Rules are simple: Just add my picture and link back to my post and add in your link!

I'm thankful for the cooler temps!

I'm thankful for the crock pot! We had an awesome pot roast waiting on us Monday night!

I'm thankful for the generous gifts from my co-workers for Harper this week!

I'm thankful for my MIL and FIL returning to the country safe this week!

I'm thankful for my sister who's always there for me to ask crazy and silly questions!

I'm thankful for my later appointment time at the doc's this afternoon. I may have to wait, but at least I don't have to take off work anymore!

I'm thankful for another weekend with nothing planned so I can relax!!

I'm thankful for the energy I've had this week despite insomnia and back to puking (waa) to be able to cook my husband 3 home-cooked meals after working extra-long hours at work! :) {does anyone else feel super accomplished when they do this?!?!}

What are you thankful for?!

Thankful Thursdays

1. Where Nothing Good Comes Easy  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, September 14


So sweet!
Brian came home with a very cute polka dot pink and white gift yesterday!

He had gone to Hopscotch and bought Harper a little outfit all.on.his.own. during his lunch break! Seriously, how sweet?

He even got a matching little bow. :)

Love him! He's going to be such a sweet Daddy! Pretty soon my dear!!

Sunday, September 11

37 weeks Down!

The weeks are just flying by now!! :)

*thanks for all the very sweet comments on the nursery!! i really appreciate it!
Pregnancy Highlights:
Size: still a large watermelon! baby could be 7+ lbs.  Unfortunately, I do not get another ultrasound before the baby {but this is actually a good sign b/c it means there's no foreseen problems!} but the doc did measure me and I'm still measuring perfectly with my weeks, so my due date is still right on Oct. 1!
{ps-I tried to get Brian to walk around holding a watermelon for a day so he'd know what it felt like, but he wouldn't! hahaha}

Weight: no change this week from last week!

What's baby up to: Baby is shedding the skin-protecting vernix.  She's also producing surfactant (??) which prevents the air sacs in the lungs from sticking to each other when baby begins to breathe - which could be very soon!

Sleep: Actually, much to my surprise it's kind of getting better! I think I'm back to the 'hibernating' stage because I am taking naps almost every day! I take a 15-30 min. nap almost every day after work and the weekend is my haven! I slept a lot this weekend and it was wonderful!

Hubby and I are really trying to enjoy this time together and savor the moments of the 2 of us.  We stuck to our plans of not-making-plans and were still able to see friends last minute and do fun things! It's just easier that way right now! We went to BW3's to watch football games on Saturday night and saw 2 tiny babies out there around 8:00. It gave us hope that we can get out once our baby comes too! Is that totally unrealistic?!

I'm also getting pretty nostalgic I think about my pregnancy! I cannot believe we are getting so close to the end.  I know I can't wait to meet our little girl, but I know that I will really, really miss feeling her kicking and movements and knowing that she's safe and sound inside me!!

Did anyone else feel this way, too? I'm just really trying to enjoy these next few weeks of pregnancy!

Saturday, September 10

Welcome to Harper Alan's Nursery...

Ever since I found out I was pregnant {ok, way before that:) } I've been dreaming of what and how I would decorate a nursery; boy or girl.  Much to my dismay, I decided to forgo my signature pink and green style {with paisley of course} to go with what I thought to be a lesser known route for a baby girl's room.  Brian was excited for the use of purple, too, as he had just gone through a total pink and green wedding not too long ago. :)

My ideas and wants changed throughout the process, but in the end, we got exactly what we wanted.  Brian and I are very similar in our tastes, which helps a lot I would assume.  We both didn't want a room to look too much like a 'baby' even though it is for a baby.  We both aren't in to characters, but more designs and layers.  So, in looking for pre-made bedding that is actually affordable to us, that seemed to be a problem! However, we finally found what we were looking for! :) (and generously received it as gifts from MIL and Mom) We also wanted the look of a simple, serene, and calm bedroom without lots of clutter, stuffed animals, and just plain stuff!

Lastly, I realize if you've been following my blog for a while, you've seen the other rooms we've done...well...let's just say we really like stripes in this household {but the other ones are vertical!} and wall decals {hehe}! :) Thanks to my awesome hubby for painting the entire room himself!!

So, here are the pictures of the nursery...I hope you like!

Entering into her Room...

birth announcement that will be on the hospital door as well

we plan to put a large canvas of a newborn picture on the polka dot wall

our crib sheet just came in! I wanted to snap a picture before we took the bumper apart and put on the sheet again...

I love the whimsy window treatments

i LOVE my chair! soo comfortable!

love the little girl H charm

love these...from Baby Bundles Lexington

hats box, headband box, and misc. box
We are so pleased with her room!
So, not everything was exactly like I had once planned it to be, I think the room really came together well.  I often find myself or Brian in the room just looking around and walking around. We are so pleased with how everything turned out!! I love how everything is new and perfect awaiting her arrival.  Someone once said the first baby's room should be the nicest in your house...well, I don't know if it's the nicest, but it certainly has taken the most time and thought out of all the other rooms!

Credits:Bedding: The Land of, With a Flourish green and lavender
Furniture: Baby Cache Essentials Curved Convertible Crib, Dresser, Chest
Paint: Sherwin Williams "perfect match" paint matched to bedding
Sherwin Williams White
(we also got the green color but decided to not use it)
Stripes: Hubby and lots of Frog Tape :)
Vinyl Polka Dots: I actually made these...tutorial coming soon maybe?!
Wall Decal:
Large Sock Monkey: gift from my Aunt :)
Book Basket: Michael's, books inside have all been gifts, along with the bunny from the book How Much I Love YouChandelier: Made by yours truly :)
Rocking Chair: Storytime Series SAMI chair, green gingham fabric
Chair pillow: Made my by MIL :)
Window Treatments: Target, white rod - Wal-Mart
Harper Sign and Birth Announcement: custom made
Diaper Basket: The Land of, With A Flourish green
Picture Frames: all have been gifts
Lamp: Target lamp, monogrammed
Bow Holders: gift, wreath from gender reveal party
Mirror: already had and we liked the round on the striped wall so we decided to use


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