I'm Loving...
that I went to the grocery last night for the first time in 14 weeks and made it through without getting sick! YAY!
that I went to the grocery last night for the first time in 14 weeks and made it through without getting sick! YAY!
I'm Loving...
that I'm feeling a good peace about being pregnant. I haven't felt that yet, and my fears are *starting* to get less and less with worry. Thank you Lord for putting Your hands on me and baby!
that I'm feeling a good peace about being pregnant. I haven't felt that yet, and my fears are *starting* to get less and less with worry. Thank you Lord for putting Your hands on me and baby!

I'm Loving...
that although we haven't seen a day without tornado warnings in almost a week and a half, my family is all safe! I'm also loving that today during state testing we had to stop and go into 'severe weather mode' and my kids were wonderful!! They were scared but they were so quiet and patience and listened so well to me when I told them it would be okay!
that although we haven't seen a day without tornado warnings in almost a week and a half, my family is all safe! I'm also loving that today during state testing we had to stop and go into 'severe weather mode' and my kids were wonderful!! They were scared but they were so quiet and patience and listened so well to me when I told them it would be okay!
I'm Loving...
My husband. For many reasons of course, but most of all, being my husband and putting me first!
I'm Also Loving that he will be running in his first mini-marathon on Saturday!! Good Luck!
Lastly... I'm Loving...
That I can FEEL baby H!!!!!! And that we get to find out if baby H is a boy or girl on Tuesday!!!
Hope you're having a good Wednesday!{And I'm also loving new followers! Leave me a comment with your blog address...I'd love to visit you!}