My wonderful husband and I took a bunch of trips {our favorite!!} to Louisville, Savannah, Hilton Head Island {twice!}, Asheville, Cincinnati, and of course our amazing honeymoon to St. Lucia!
{I totally put this pic up to motivate me to find that weight soon...yikes!}
Each of the girls in my Life Group got married this year as well!
We also welcomed 2 new nephews this year~ Cooper and Cameron!
My family and B's family stayed healthy this year ~ PTL!
Started my tiny but fun little Craft Store website. {and totally needing a better name...any suggestions?!}
and...Of course my absolute favorite moment from 2010 is our Wedding Day!!
I've SO enjoyed reading back through old posts and seeing pictures of what all we've done and reading about the silly things I post about! Thanks for reading {and hopefully} it's been slightly entertaining to you!
I've loved year you've got a lot to live up to!
Here's to ringing in 2011! :)
*Check back tomorrow for my Resolutions for 2011...
*Don't forget to play in my Give-Away! Drawings will be held tomorrow afternoon!!!! :)