Wednesday, August 31

Baby Bottle Must-Haves

Ok, so my sis found this awesome product...and then it made me remember my co-worker, Kathleen, found these, too! Well, I think some similar!

These little sippy cup and bottle labels are so cute! They are a must have for taking to the sitter's, day cares, or the church nursery!

Here's a few websites that sell basically the same products and they all seem to run around $12.95.

My Precious Kid

Little Piddles

These labels are ok...they say they are dishwasher safe, but I'd be a little leary of this...
Name Bubbles

And of course, when little H gets older, she will be using one of these custom made just for her likeness~
The Craft Store
I imagine like a pink and green polka dot one with her name and maybe a cut-out of a giraffe or something!

Tuesday, August 30

Cute Boys :)

Currently, Harper is the only girl-to-be amongst my college friends. So it seems as though she will rightfully get her pick on these cute boys, right?! haha!

Danielle's son, Colton. She's expecting another sweet boy at the end of November!

Amanda's son, Trenton

Shannon's sweet boys, Tanner & Grady

Aren't they precious?!

Monday, August 29

Weekend Wrap-Up!

We had such a fun weekend!! We've been so overwhelmingly busy the past couple of Saturdays that we were excited about having a somewhat low-key weekend!

On Friday we went to an Engagement Party for our friend's Jen and Geoff! Jen is my friend from college, so it was SO MUCH FUN to get to be with all the girls and their guys again! It felt like forever since we all had gotten together! Jen lives in Charleston, SC now, so her wedding will be there in May. So excited for a road trip with all our friends!!  Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures from the night! Can you believe that?! But here is one I stole from FB of the happy couple.
It was a blast to be with everyone! We had a great time!

Saturday was my day to really get some errands ran for the hospital bag!! I needed to get a few of those 'uncomfortable' purchases to bring along with me or have ready for when I return home.  It was a successful shopping trip! haha!  The hospital bag is now officially packed! I have a few things to wash for Harper, so her bad isn't finished just yet. :) I did a lot of researching for the bag, so I hope I don't forget any essentials!

I also went to a fairly new store called Baby Bundles.  They were having their 1 year anniversary sale so I stopped by to get some deals for baby H. Oh man did I get some deals! This store has some seriously adorable (but majorly pricey) outfits for boys and girls! They have Persnickety, Janie & Jack, Smocked Clothing, Bailey Boys, and much, much more.  I got little H some really cute large bows {!!!!}, a cute apple outfit for next year {apple orchard fun perhaps?!}, and an adorable UK smocked dress! I cannot wait to see her in it for football and basketball seasons this year! Mom got her a cute pink and green owl smocked dress for 12 months as well.  My favorite thing is seeing smocked clothing on little ones and thankfully my Mom thinks the same thing as she's gotten baby a lot of smocked outfits from Little English!!
how adorable are the little UK cheerleaders?!
Another very cool thing I purchased is this PadaLily car seat handle cover.  I think this looks like such a great idea! The handle is not very padded, so I bought this little thing to help from getting my arms bruised!! They had lots of colors ~ but I loved this pink and green paisley one!

Oh, and I WON a free photography session and one large hard photo from a very nice photography studio {Holifield's} for just putting my name in a jar!! I never win! I was so excited!! :)

Brian and I also hung a few things on the baby room and washed lots of clothes and swaddlers.  Then we went to the pool for a while and had a fun night in of pizza and renting a movie! 

Sunday after church we went to eat and then I spent some time with the nephews while Brian spruced up our front yard. :) AND, Sunday night we ate Mexican and I ate tacos for the FIRST TIME since I realized I was pregnant!! Probably 8 months! Man-oh-man did they taste delicious!!! It was awesome! haha!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend as well and have a wonderful work week ahead!

Touch-A-Truck Outing!

I was so excited to get to go to Touch-A-Truck with Kelli and my nephews! I realize I was probably third choice {haha} as Eric was working and Mom & Dad were at a Reds game, but I didn't care!  The event was outside and required lots of walking, but I rarely get to do things with just them, so I went!

Colby was super excited as he loves all things trucks right now.  And of course Cameron was the best little baby ever, as always, just riding along in the stroller for seriously 2 hours without getting out! The lines were long and Kelli would ask Colby if he was OK with waiting and he always was! Not one complaint came from him.  It was seriously crazy! When Kelli told Colby it was time to leave he just replied with an "ok" and off we went.  I really hope our little baby is as easy going as these 2 boys!

Here are a few cute phone pics from the day:

Kelli and Colby

sweet baby Cameron

Mommy & Colby

Thanks again for inviting me! :)

Sunday, August 28

Month 9 {35 weeks down!}

Hello 9 Months!
35 weeks 1 day

35 weeks 1 day
Pregnancy Highlights:

size: large cantaloupe (possibly 6 lbs!)

weight: +2
*Yesterday (Saturday) I was 35 weeks pregnant with 35 days to go! I thought that was neat. :)

what's baby doing: Pretty much all the things inside are matured as they can be to this point and will be able to work once out in the real world! Her bones are more like cartilage to it will be able to come out. :)

what's up with me: I'm doing a waddle! But there is an actual reason for that - who knew! It's because of my connective tissue in my body is beginning to soften and loosen so I can get this baby out! :) Also, because she 'burrowing' down low and making it hard to walk. 

symptoms: arthritis in hands and feet, major swelling after being at work, some pressure on lower back and abdomen, acne

In light of it though, I actually still feel really well and I seriously feel happy still about being pregnant ~ I'm just ready to meet our girl!

Thursday, August 25

Baby Update @ 34.5 weeks

So I'm now into my weekly appointments! I feel like that marks the start of the end!

I went to the doctor on my own but I met up with Amanda's cousin, Crystal, so it wasn't so bad sitting in the waiting room for hours {literally!}. :)

I know I've said it before, but my OB is so cooky and I love him! I've been seeing him for many, many years, but I really do love him as my 'baby doc' now.  He's so laid back and calm about everything which helps me stay like that, too!

Today I was measured and measured perfectly! He also was able to feel around and that head I kept swearing I was rubbing on...well it's her booty! hahaha! But that means...she's head down!! YAY! I never felt the movement, which he said is sometimes painful, so I wasn't sure if she had turned or not!

I also go to hear her heartbeat and talk about my birth plan.  I was a little upset Brian wasn't there with me while we worked out some details of the plan...but oh well.  I also told my doctor that after these 9 months of waiting on him for up to 3 hours when he had unexpected deliveries he at least owed me to deliver my baby! haha! But seriously, I pleaded with him that I think I need his calm and cooky attitude to help me not freak out! Which of course his reply was, "well, you'll have drugs. you won't stress. and I will be there unless I'm drunk. and I don't drink. so I guess I'll be there." Just take my word for it, it was funny. :)

So, he also said I've had a pretty much textbook pregnancy. That's pretty amazing and one HUGE thing I am thankful for. So even though I missed my own linky party, that's my Thankful Thursday this week!

Looks like we'll be having a baby in about 5 weeks or so!!!!

Thankful Thursday #fail

Whoops! I had been doing so well! haha! I completely forgot to do an early post and get it automated to come out today! So my sweet friends who link up every week - I'm sorry!

Please do go visit Katie at The Happenings of the Hermann's for her wonderful Thankful Thursday Post!

I promise to do much better next week! Thursdays are getting to be my busy days at work and my weekly appointments after school!

Wednesday, August 24

A Daddy's Girl & A Mommy's Guilt

I am pretty sure little H is already a Daddy's girl. :)

Every night for the past week, as soon as B gets home and starts talking, H begins her tumble routine! She moves and wiggles and punches so much! It's hilarious!  Meanwhile, I talk all day long and she never moves! haha :)

I can't wait to see Brian as a Dad.  I think he's going to be so awesome and know just what to do. She will be one lucky little girl!

I've heard of Mommy Guilt; but have you also heard of Pregnancy Guilt or am I making this up?
I feel like I possibly had this in the beginning when I was super sick and now I think it's definitely coming back!

I hate having to say 'no' to lots of stuff, especially including stuff with my friends. In the beginning when I was so sick, I tried to trudge through it and go to as much as I could because I was afraid no one would understand and would be upset I wasn't going out with them, coming to stuff, etc. Now, it's back! I feel like weekly appointments and being tired from work are taking over my life and my weekends become overly packed and honestly, I just can't be on the go as much seeing as though I'm almost 9 months preggo! But that still doesn't stop me from feeling guilty or trying to fit it all in. We are busy people and usually we love being busy and having lots planned.  I'm afraid my friends {at least the ones who haven't been pregnant yet or the ones who had pretty good pregnancies} won't understand or will think I'm making it up. Crazy, right? I mean, when I type it, it sounds crazy and it sounds like I care a little too much; but it's really the way I feel!

Has anyone else felt like this?

I also feel like I'm already getting nervous about having Mommy Guilt; or maybe Friend Guilt? Believe me, I realize how crazy I am. My friend Mary (team-teacher) always tells me I over-think or care way too much. And although I agree, I wish I knew how to change it! My friends love to plan things ahead to see one another at least once a month ~ but as I start thinking into Sept, Oct, Nov, etc. I'm getting so nervous.  Will I be able to attend around H's feedings? It's not even about leaving little H behind, I'm just worried about the whole feeding schedule if I hope to be consistent with BF.  I'm worried my friends will think I'm just overwhelmed with myself and not them; I'm worried that people won't understand the reasons why I can't make things; I'm worried that although I know our life will change, that my relationships with friends will change, too.

Does this mean my Mommy Guilt will be horrible in a few months once I go back to work?! Because I'm already dreading this too.  I have such a want to stay at home with my child but at this point in our lives it's just not feasible.  I truly and honestly {sorry if this upsets anyone} feel a jealousy with SAHM's. There are so many things I could see myself doing and helping with if I just had more time.  There are about 4 things I'd love to be more involved in with our church, but I have no idea how I'd make that work with the hours I work at school and then having a new baby that I will want to spend all my time with when I'm not at work. I hate feeling like that because I know being a teacher, I get the best times off with my child, much better than jobs that you have to work year-round.  I also know that I am blessed to even have a job, I know.  But, I swore when I began my blog years ago I'd be honest, and so, I'm being honest.  My heart aches to know that I will have to go back to work and not stay home.  I truly do love my students and it's not them that makes me want to stay at home, but it's just the added stress that maybe, possibly, comes with where I am, but I am so nervous I won't be able to handle it.  I'm so nervous I will feel this "you aren't being as good of a mother as someone else because you aren't staying home" thing either.  So yes, friends, we are already praying about me going back to work when I haven't even taken my leave. :)

See, I told you a long time ago I was crazy. ;) Just reiterating it in this post...

Blah! So, now I'm going to scroll back up to the top of this post and look at my wonderful hubby with my little baby belly while he's rubbing my ENORMO feet because we couldn't say no to something that we wanted to do and it's 9:40 and I'm just finishing my post I started 2 days ago! :)

Monday, August 22

The Windy Corner Market

Hubby and I tried out this new-to-us spot the other night and it was SO good! If you live in the central KY area, it's a must!
The Windy Corner Market

The decor and feel of the restaurant  looked very similar to Wallace Station ~ they are owned by the same people!  The food was so, so good and there were so many different things we wanted to try, so we will be going back! Everything is made by KY Proud foods and they serve local meals that aren't done anywhere else!
jockey silks and racing memorabilia filled the walls
We did have to wait in line for about 10 minutes and then wait on our food, but the weather was great and there was plenty of seating inside and outside that it wasn't a big deal.  The drive out to the restaurant was great too; passing by horse farms and beautifully large homes along stone fences. 

I got the Kentucky Boy which was SO STINKING GOOD with potato salad...
Pulled pork in Black Jack Barbecue Sauce, crispy fried pickles, Bourbon Barrel beer cheese, shredded lettuce and special sauce
And Brian got the Fried Catfish Platter. He said it was the best catfish he'd ever had without being at the beach!
that yellow 'special sauce' was unbelievable!
We also shared the MOST delicious blueberry cheesecake! They had tons of different kinds that aren't on the menu.  It was seriously better than any I had ever tasted, even from the Cheesecake Factory.

This place is definitely worth the drive and we will be going back soon! It was such a perfect date night and one that we'd been hoping to get for a while now! :)

{katharine, we talked about how we will have to take you and Andy there when you visit next! :) }

Sunday, August 21

34 Weeks and 1 Day!

34 weeks down!
Pregnancy Highlights:

Size: Large Cantaloupe: possibly around 5.5 lbs and 19-22 inches long!

What's Happening: Baby's fat continues to accumulate (around 15 percent) and her brain power is getting better every day!  I'm not sure if she's turned or not...I feel something still in the same spot up in my right rib but I don't know if it's her head or foot! Sometimes it feels like each one! I do think she is long because I can feel her move on each end of my belly at once! She's starting 'stretching' out more and we can see major waves across my belly or a little elbow or hand jet out!

Weight: -2 lbs {i don't know what this is about!}


Food: Hmm, I've not really craved's more like I don't feel like anything will taste good! So poor Brian has to suggest where or what we eat or cook because I cannot make a decision!

Symptoms: I'm back to peeing a ton! And the rest are still with me (arthritis in hands and feet, swelling feet and ankles, pain in hips, acne, etc.). 

Work: It's actually been ok with being back to work! I am so thankful I was able to have a 'relief' from work for a bit of my pregnancy! While I am on my feet ALL DAY LONG, I'm able to come home and prop them up and then my awesome husband offers to rub those crazy big things nightly, so I really can't complain! I've actually somehow had pretty good energy for the little bit of sleep I run on daily.  PTL! :) I've also got some great friends/co-workers at school who remind me that I cannot do it all! B's been great with helping to clean and cook again, and he sure makes a great lunch of PB&J each day for me!

Best Moment of the Week: The nursery is pretty much finished!! Woo Hoo! After all the chair drama, we got it in on Saturday and it really goes well with the green from the bedding ~ I think better than the first fabric I picked out! I'm waiting on *hopefully* getting 2 more things from the bedding company in before sharing; but it's said they will be in mid-September so I may not be able to wait that long! :)

I am thinking that Harper won't ever forget her name... :) Look at all these sweet monogrammed burp cloth gifts she's accumulated!!

Thursday, August 18

Thankful Thursday Linky

Hope you join in on the fun!

*The rules are very simple: be a follower of my blog, add my Thankful Thursday picture below on your post, and link my blog address in your post!

So I wasn't sure if I was going to do this this week, but I decided that it's been a hard week and I wanted to keep it all in perspective! So here's my Thankfuls for the week!

*I'm thankful for my Mom who will listen to me vent over things I cannot control {mostly at work} and not give me an opinions, just listen.
*I'm thankful for DVR so I can watch all my shows when I get home at night!

*I'm thankful for my husband!
*I'm thankful for the weekends!

*I'm thankful for air conditioning! {haha}
*I'm thankful for the energy that I've had during the days at work despite not sleeping!

*I'm thankful for great friends!

If you don't have a blog but want to play, leave a comment and tell us what you're thankful for today!
Can't wait to read your posts tonight!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, August 15

Cricut Stuff :)

Here's a few things I've made lately with my Cricut! They are so easy and I think look pretty cute!

Plastic Wear: I liked using plastic rather than glass for purposes of taking food items to tailgates, picnics, child-friendly, etc.  You could do any combo of colors, initials, monograms, pictures, etc!
I used Loop Dee Loo Font cartridge for the letters and then a craft circle cut to make the polka dots.  The paper is vinyl.  I actually gave these as hostess gifts.

This is an iced beverage glass that I used Everyday Paper Dolls cartridge.  The above picture is of a softball girl {it's hard to tell, but that's a uniform I made in pink} and the second picture is the helmet and her initials.  This was a gift for a great and sweet girl I tutored this summer who was all about softball!  I have lots of these cups and I love using them!

This is my favorite thing I made I think! HAHA A personalized Purell dispenser! So, I guess because of my sister or maybe all my friends who have babies, I am very well aware that you need to use some type of Purell or wash your hands before ever touching a new baby! I remember going over to my sister's when Colby was born and it was a rule to go to the Purell first and then come see the baby! So, I thought to myself why not make this little 'new fixture' cute! I have an adorable horse and polka dot purell dispenser in my kitchen, so I got the idea from that! I just took a purell bottle and took off the label.  Then used the Everyday Paper Dolls cartridge to make a baby carriage and then {of course} had to add a little personalization with the 'h' at the bottom.  I ended up using a green bottle and purple vinyl to match her room colors, although we'll keep it in the Family Room! :) I mean, you might as well keep-it-cute!

*If you don't have a Cricut and you like any of the things you see, you can always email me or visit my Craft Store! The Everyday Paper Dolls cartridge has seriously endless possibilities of pictures, scenes, etc! It's awesome!

*If you're visiting from facebook, thanks! I rarely post my blogs on FB anymore, so click on the Home button and read what you've missed! :) thanks for visiting!!

church Baby shower

I had another wonderful shower on Saturday hosted by my parent's Sunday School Class friends. It was a lot of fun and another wonderfully put together shower with lots of sweet and thoughtful little details.  Two of the women who hosted the shower were my D-Group leaders in high school youth group and one was a good friend and knew Brian in her own way before we ever started dating!

It was really fun and once again we are so excited for all the sweet items and clothes she received!

Sunday, August 14

I digress; I'm chubby. Preggo Update 34.1

I keep thinking to myself that I don't look that bad and all that weight I'm gaining is going to my belly and feet; but friends, after the past 2 Saturdays and looking through pictures I've come to a cold. hard. fact: I'm chubby.  I've got about 3 chins and a linebacker's dream of shoulder-puff.  {if you don't believe me, wait until the shower pics!}

Pregnancy Update: 34 Weeks, 1 Day

Size: little girl is the size of a pineapple: possibly weighing around 4.9 lbs and 19 inches long {like holding a 5-lb bag of flour}

What's She Doing: Her fingernails now reach the end of the fingertips and could curl at the end...making it necessary to cut them as soon as she comes out!She's still developing her own immune system for the outside world, too.

Weight: +1 this week...but feeling very heavy

Symptoms: I forgot to add this one the last 2 weeks...I have what the nurses called "pregnant arthritis" meaning my hands, fingers, toes, and ankles are stiff and hard to bend and move at the joints.  She said this should go away after labor...but it's quite uncomfortable and hurts a lot!  I'm also just more tired that I'm used to; although I'm sure going back to work full time has something to do with it as well.  I officially have cankles and not sure if I'll even see my regular ankles again...HA! My feet have also swelled so that there is no hope in getting into any type of heels or my tennis shoes for now {yes, I tried!!}.

Mood: On Wednesday of last week I told Brian I was finally ready to meet Harper.  Before that, I was and am excited, but I felt like I wanted to keep her inside and still had so much to do before she comes.  Now, I'm getting to the point where things are wearing on my quickly and even though I have TONS left to get ready for her arrival ~ I'm just ready for her to be here and welcome the change to our lifestyle!! :)

Food: No aversions or cravings and actually, nothing really sounded good to eat at all this week so I just ate what was around! ha!

Doctor Update: I went to the DR on Thursday {yes, the first day of school - crazy} and I ended up getting into a little 'trouble'.  He and the nurses were not at all impressed with me and gave me a hard "talking to" about going and doing too much.  They threatened me that if I didn't stop I'd see bed rest in my future.  I know that's horrible...but I feel like I have to go and do especially in the beginning of school and I've got so much to do at home prepping for her arrival or just my daily things I need to get done I don't seem to know how to slow down.  But I know for sure I don't want to have to be hooked up to the fetal monitor anymore because that was pretty scary! So this week I'm going to try and do the best I can without *hopefully* going overboard...

Friday, August 12

Classroom Post & First Day Update!

So over the course of the past couple of years I've had my personal blog I've never shared my classroom or teaching items on here. I like to keep it separate! But, I've seen some cute teaching posts, so I thought I'd add in mine as well.

This year I'll enter my 7th year as a 4th grade teacher at the same elementary school! Lots of changes have happened over the past 7 years; including how I decorate my classroom.  When I first started {and a few years after} I would go overload on the posters, pre-mades, etc. in the room.  I would hang just about anything and everything from the ceiling by the tiles or cute laundry strings.  I even had the kids decorate ceiling tiles with walk-along books. But since then, we've {for some reason} adopted the fire code more decorating the entire door with paper, nothing can be hung from the ceiling, and nothing too high on the walls.  Sounds kind of crazy when you look at all the other schools who still are able to do it, but oh well! I do miss the sweet things hanging from the ceiling, but it's easier for me I guess to not change them!

Anywho, this year, I decided that with my current state, I would just keep up with the same theme of polka dots and leave my organization pretty much the same since it worked well last year. Some may say that's lazy, but hey, if it worked, why reinvent the wheel?! I also didn't feel like spending $300+ this year...but of course I've still spent at least $100 if not more, but I call that pretty reasonable! So basically, everything you are going to see in the pictures are items I've had for a couple of years. 

I organized my Bookworm Cafe {library} by Lexile levels about 2 years ago and then organized the other non-chapter books by genre.  This works really well with the older kids.  They also have a check-out station that I usually let them start about 4 weeks into school after LOTS of practive and modeling.  I'm kind of an OCD teacher when it comes to things being put back into their place, so I have to make sure they are ready before we begin! The AR {accelerated reader} books are also labeled with orange stickers I wrote AR on. 

I also always start out in rows.  I don't love rows, but rows promote less talking - and that's what I need in the beginning of school to get their behaviors ready.  Then we slowly move to tables and usually stay in different table groups throughout the year. I also like to write their names on the desks in cute font with a sharpie.  I don't do the big name plates.  I can't stand the 'picking' at the tape or the corners, or the dirty edge it leaves after part of it comes off! I know...I am crazy!
Before Pics:

Thanks to my sweet hubby on his lunch break and my teammate's boyfriend; they were able to get all my boxes down for me so I wouldn't be breaking any weight rules!

And here's my room after about 5 days of work! Of course, it's never totally finished...but it is ready for Day 1 of school on Thursday!

Bookworm Cafe:
{class library, calendar math, small group area}

Student Computers:
{Lexia, SuccessMaker, mailboxes, community items}

{student hooks, mini-group lessons, white boards}

My Area and Desk:
{didn't get a pic of the whiteboard/smartboard/small group board; and the cords drive me insane!}

Sink Area! so useful!

First Day Update:
School went great today! I got to school extra early just to be sure everything was ready for all the little ones! A few kids were a little timid; especially since parents were allowed to walk their kids to the classrooms today ~ but in no time they were all smiles! The first day is always so fun because you get to do FUN things like get-to-know-you activities and community building activities.  We had a great day and I already started to get to know a lot of the personalities in my room. I definitely think I will have a bit of a chatty class, but they will certainly be a fun mix of kids! I truly enjoyed being back in the room with them and hearing sweet little "Mrs. Burton..." questions or stories.  I felt great today even with the lack of sleep and I felt good in what I was wearing {doesn't that always make such a difference?!}.  I wore flats for probably the first time that was a little weird, but quite comfy on the big feet! So, way to go Day #1! I'm looking forward to Day #2...and the weekend! haha :)
Oh, I have to share one cute story from today: 
Early in the morning a little boy raised his hand and said, "I want to ask you something but my Momma told me I should never ask this...but I want to know, so can I ask?"  I immediately knew it was about my belly! ha! So I said sure and this was his question: "Well, do you have a baby in that belly or do you just have a big belly?" HAHA The other kids were wide-eyed looking around but I just laughed a lot and explained that yes, there was a baby in there and yes, his Momma taught him right to not ask those things! Too cute!

of course, I will not be writing about my school day or my kids much because I don't find it appropriate to write about on my personal blog! :)


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